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TW: short version of f-word once!

Moving school's wasn't that new to Roman, sure, he's done it enough to be familiar with who to ask for directions, which teacher was probably the nicest and so on, but he didn't do it nearly enough to not hope he wouldn't stay there if it was a good school, or not to make friends and get attached.

This time though, instead of going from a private to a private school- like he's done so many times in the past- he's moving from private to public. Specifically, the same public school his brother, Remus Royal, goes to. Palace Public Education.

Thankfully—or not—he and Remus went to the same class and had similar enough timetables that Remus could show him around instead of Roman looking lost for about 30 minutes and only then spotting someone he could ask that looked relatively the same age as him.

He was pretty excited, and sue him, but he's had mostly good experiences in the past. No bullying, no judgement for being gay, no one caring that he's into theater, but despite that, Remus made sure to give him instructions on 'how to survive that shit-hole'-- his word's, not Roman's.

And a key factor-- and the only one Roman really remembered due to his brother's habit of going off-track quickly-- was not to tell anyone that he was gay unless he wanted to get beat up.

Of course, Roman replied with "What? Wouldn't the teachers do something about violence if it was in the school?"

Remus scoffed, almost as if entertained by the simple idea of that happening and explained that, no, the teacher's do not care if anyone gets hurt as long as it speeds up the day-- he even mentioned some teachers often watching the fights happen! Seriously, is every public school like this? It made Roman want to scoff.

After that whole talk and a few too many playful arguments for only two hours, Roman retreated to his own, brightly decorated room.

The walls were painted a creamy white color, the ceiling pretty much the same but slightly darker with yellow glowing fairly lights strung across it and a flower-like ceiling lamp that was made red acting as the main light source.

Musical posters-- both signed and unsigned-- were lining every wall, along with some generic movies and shows, and Disney, because everyone should have Disney posters. After all, the movies were masterpieces and the fairy-tales-- Oh! The fairy-tales, don't get him started.

His closet was a boring dark brown color, though the gold-- fake gold-- lining made it slightly more interesting.

Anyhow, he walked to the closet, which was left open from this morning, and began pulling out more and more clothing, pulling them close to himself and moving to a full-body mirror he had behind his white door. Trying to decide what to wear tomorrow, it was a big choice after all. First day of a new school, he needed to make a impression.

And a good one, too.

It took him an hour and a half to chose a slightly oversized white poet shirt, red jacket, black jeans and red converse. Along with that he picked a gold necklace with a crown accessory hanging from it and his usual red earrings.

Putting all that on his already messy and smudged desk that stood right across from his closet, he took a breath before looking back at the mirror with an attempt at a smile, which he quickly adjusted into an actual looking smile.

"You got this" He told himself "It's just another school, how bad can it really be?"


A quick glance to the clock revealed it was 1 am.

Ah, prime time to scroll through already read Tumblr posts.

Okay, well, probably not, but Virgil was bored and he was not at all excited for whatever tomorrow might bring.

The weekend just finished-- literally an hour ago-- and apparently there was a new student joining his class, an energetic one, according to Remus. But, according to Remus-- who was the only one that knew shit about the student-- he was also annoying, egotistical and way too optimistic on everything.

Quite obviously, Virgil was the exact opposite from that, so, he was dreading tomorrow- or, today, he guessed- he didn't want to watch another kid go from loud and whatnot to quiet because they realized that Public school sucked.

He of course never tried to talk to whoever that happened to, he was way too awkward for that anyway, Patton would most likely cheer them up, so, he really didn't need to. Pat's got it covered.

Patton and he were friends since they were toddlers, their parents were friends and after his adopted him and Virgil's dad got custody of Virgil, they had play dates set up but the parents, and from there they just grew closer and closer.

After enrolling in the same, crappy public school because their parent's either didn't want to separate them or didn't have enough money for a private school, they spent pretty much every moment with each other.

Still, both had a number of friends that they made and forced into the friend-group widely called 'fags' at school, but they just started calling themselves ' core queers ' in their group chat.

Patton forced Logan into the group-- somehow--, Virgil forced Janus, Janus forced Remus.

And apparently Remus is now continuing the tradition by forcing his brother-- Roman, right?-- into it.

Anyway, yeah, Virgil really didn't wanna go to school tomorrow.

Maybe he could just pretend he's sick? That always works, well, eh, then he'd have to deal with Father-Patton-Mode, and honestly? Yeah, he doesn't want to make Patton cook him food again, he felt bad enough last time for that.

Exiting Tumblr-- which he wasn't even really paying attention to-- he pressed his clock app, double-checking that his alarm was on before turning it off, plugging it in, and staring at the ceiling.

What would new kid be like? Would he tear the friend group apart? Would he criticize them for it? Would he bully them?

Yeah, Remus said it was his brother, but apart from stories Remus sometimes mentioned his brother in, they didn't actually have a clue who he was. His name, which Virgil wasn't sure if he remembered it right, and that was it.

So, in short, zilch.

And sue Virgil if he had to put on a movie to distract himself from thoughts about how new kid would rip their friendship apart and fell asleep to Nightmare before Christmas.

(Word count: 1058)

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