Chapter 5

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TW: Swearing

Virgil probably won't be the first to admit he was unnecessarily rude today to Roman.

Yes, he didn't trust the older twin but even he knew that wasn't an excuse to being an asshole.

All through out IT, he was staring or glancing to Roman, minus when Roman looked at him and he noticed in his peripheral vision, which was when he focused back on the crappy game he was playing instead of doing work.

It was just... well, Roman was proving to be so nice, and kind, and not at all how Virgil imagined him yesterday night before he fell asleep.

Roman did honestly not seem like someone who could scheme something if it wasn't for a joke or a play-- which Virgil quickly learned he definitely must've took part in at at least one point in his life. The way he defended theater from being nerdy? Yeah, all too familiar.

Patton pulled him aside after Patton, just double-checking if he was alright, after a quick conversation while they walked to the bus, the shorter of the two finally believed Virgil that, yes, he was fine.

Just before they turned the corner in the school, Virgil caught a glimpse of Roman asking Logan something while looking extremely awkward, and albeit Virgil didn't have the first clue what or why was happening, he got hit with second-hand embarrassment far too hard.

 The childhood-friends got on the bus and only about a minute later, Logan joined them, without Roman, for some reason.

Patton asked, but Logan didn't know either, apparently. And he also didn't give an answer when Virgil asked what Roman had asked him, changing the conversation almost instantly.

The anxious teen didn't push further.

The ride to his stop was quick, minus when he was left alone, and he threw his bag next to the door as quick as he could, getting the weight off his back as quick as he could, knowing he'd be forced to pick it up later today anyway, god, homework sucked.

It was Monday! Why did they have to get homework on Monday? Or Friday. Any day but those two was fair, but just those two should have a law not to have homework.


"I'm home!" He announced, not knowing if anyone but him was home, honestly.

Emile was a therapist, so, he could get an emergency meeting by some patient, meanwhile, Remy was a social media manager for Starbucks.

How did he get that job, which he could both do at home and in the workplace due to a laid back boss, so, who knew if Dad decided to get out of bed today. Most days he did only for coffee, or for family-- though Virgil teased him far too much about only getting up for coffee, being a total hypocrite when he did say that.

Dad popped up from the couch, his head hanging to the side to look over to Virgil, his arm appearing from the top to wave to Virgil.

"Hey, kid" Dad said, a smile on his face.

Virgil have a two fingered salute back before heading to the kitchen, grabbing himself a sandwich Pa had made him despite Virgil's countless previous protests that he could make a sandwich by himself and that Emile really didn't have to, but, seeing as there was a prepared sandwich on the granite counter, yeah, those protests fell on deaf ears.

"Is Pa home?" Virgil asked out of simple habit, habit and affection that is.

Remy pulled a coffee cup from the coffee table near him, not a Starbucks one like you'd expect it to be with where he worked and all, but one in an actual coffee mug, a picture of flowers on it that Virgil remembered had a light pink interior lining solely out of muscle memory.

You put a sour little flavor in my mouth (Prinxiety) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now