Chapter 10

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A month passed by, Idris was still under siege.

Jace and Wendy got closer to the target, a man of the Circle who was running from Clave's forces and responsible for several accidents. The shadowhunters had left the main battlefield to eliminate Valentine's men and reduce casualties as soon as it became clear they were tampering with explosives.

 The blond young man nodded to Wendy and circled the target, risking once or twice to be sighted where the foliage didn't hide his body.

The girl stepped forward as quietly as possible and tried to avoid being spotted by the peripheral sight of their target. It wasn't hard for a girl as small and thin as her, but her blond hair had been spotted just in time by her target. The man turned around, sword in hand and a feral sneer on his face.

<<Oh, hello!>> she chirped, parrying the blow to her head with the Jian.

Jace rolled his eyes and stepped out of his hiding place.

<<Don't greet your enemy, dummy. You're ridiculous>>

<<Oi!>> the man snarled, ignored by the pair as they effortlessly cornered him against a tree.

<<I think he's feeling set aside. Do you think he will come with us willingly? Maybe the Clave will appreciate some extra pieces of information>>

Jace shrugged and let Wendy knock their target out. At least they would bring something to the Inquisitor after that hectic day, maybe the key to anticipating Valentine's moves. The Shadowhunters needed a boost in confidence after the long month spent fighting against the Forsaken army, not to mention the rumors of even worse horrors coming their way. Alec had sent some messages to his parabatai for news, making Jace hope they would see each other soon. Thanks to their numbers, Idris drove away the enemy, so small groups of Shadowhunters could leave the walls to find the Circle's members. The Inquisitor Herondale knew it was time to act with determination and ordered Aldertree to form these groups. Wendy and Jace were the best, eliminating every target, but that was the first time the pair took the initiative.

Imogen Herondale surely didn't expect the bloodied unconscious man threw at her feet.

<<There is a man in my office, but I don't remember giving orders to bring me a prisoner>>

<<It was my idea, ma'am. The Circle needs to be uprooted from our lands if we want to win. This man can tell us where they stay>>

<<This way, we can wrap up this mess and go back home>> Jace added, supporting Wendy's claim.

They got used to each other quickly and became friends, which made Alec happy when a note from Jace came one morning. Wendy sent a couple of messages too, but the blond Shadowhunter could see how they made her smile. Not once he asked to know what the spouses wrote, respecting their privacy and the new friendship between him and the woman.

<<Right then. Let me send this man to get questioned. You two, go to sleep>>

They nodded curtly at the woman and were about to leave the room when Herondale called them back.

<<I think you'll be able to go home very soon if your idea is correct, Mrs. Lightwood. The Angel knows your husband sends me messages every day requesting your and Mr. Wayland's return>>

Wendy's hand flew to her lips, hiding a pleased smile as Jace elbowed her gently. The Inquisitor sent her a knowing glance before returning to the reports on the desk. On that note, the pair left the office and erupted in chuckles as soon as the door closed behind Jace's back.

<<The Lightwoods will be ecstatic to know you'll get the credit for ending this siege. I can see Maryse melt in pride and Robert boast about his daughter-in-law>>

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2022 ⏰

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