Chapter 3: Crazy train

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[Around the time that Osama started hearing the demanding knock at his hotel room door]. 

Austin, Kopo and Bianca stepped out of their Uber and onto the San Leandro Bart Station. The track for the public transportation ran above them. When all three were clear of the vehicle the driver took off quickly. Kopo and Bianca followed their drivers hasty retreat, Austin continued to look up at the enormous cement over bridge.

"Maybe we should've tipped better, ya?" Kopo scoffed

Austin looked at him curiously, 

"We weren't the ones who paid him." he reminded him. "Maybe it had something to do with the spilt soda all over his back seat." Austin said conversationally. 

He headed towards a pair of cement staircases heading up to the platform. A blue sign with white writing said 'San Leandro' at the top of the steps. A small symbol made up of a lower case 'b' and 'a' was also posted on the sign. Located just before the cities name. 

Kopo looked insulted.

"No way bruh! You are not putting that on me! That guy was driving crazy! Even if I was a machine I wouldn't have been able to hold onto that Can." he said

"It wasn't his driving." Bianca interjected annoyed. "It was you paying more attention to EVERYTHING else besides your stupid drink." 

"Tag teamed!? I can't believe this!" Kopo threw up his hands. "Sorry that I've never been to Oakland before and that there's a lot to see!"

Bianca narrowed her eyes at him,

 "They don't have girls walking around where you're from?" 

Kopo blushed and grinned sheepishly, "Jealous?" he raised one eye-brow. 

Bianca scoffed. "You're unbelievable." She whipped around and followed Austin up the stairs. He was almost to the top already.

"Is that why you wanted us to pull over at the first train station we passed? Keep me from enjoying the scenery?" Kopo smiled charmingly.

Bianca stopped on the second step of the stairway and pivoted sharply.

"You wish! I was not going to spend any more time in a vehicle with a complete STRANGER than I had to. THAT'S why." she shot. "And yet even with a brief amount of time, you still have sufficient opportunity to ruin the trip. You'll probably be billed for the cleaning, just so ya know." she threw at him.

Kopo's eyes widened. Bianca smirked then turned around with an air of victory.

"Hold up. You think?" he asked behind her.

Bianca was too far up the stairs to answer. Or didn't care to.

"Dude, I can't afford that! I'm just an A.S.K." he said

Bianca froze. Then looked back at him. 

"What did you call yourself?" she asked stunned.

"What? An A.S.K.? You know, an 'All Scholarship Kid'. Means I broke! Government paying my way all day." he said

Bianca just rolled her eyes. She finished the climb. Kopo came up quickly behind her.

Kopo stopped next to Bianca at the top. Paper Flyers of varying colors, pinned on every standing object, waved in the afternoon breeze. It gave the impression that the lonesome looking papers were trying to greet them, but were too lethargic to do it with any care. It made the platform depressing. A trash can lay empty on its side, a few crumpled pieces of paper lied regurgitated across the cement floor. The platform was devoid of any other living soul. Animal or human. 

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