The Worse Moment

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                      Alexia's P.o.v
I was walking through the little town of Hawkins when I saw it. I saw the building my Uncle died in. Hawkins Lab. I hated seeing that place.

I was in the room with Will Byers, Mike Wheeler, Mrs. Byers, Chief Hopper, and a doctor. Will was passed out in Hoppers arms while we all watched the cameras. We were watching for Demodogs. My Uncle was going to reset something. I zoned out of that part after hearing he was going. He made it to the room and the rest of us left. The doctor stayed behind to help get my uncle out of that hell hole. We finally reached the doors and they opened. My Uncle did it. Joyce, my uncle's girlfriend, went back inside. She was waiting for my uncle. I heard Joyce say, "Bob." So I knew he was back. I ran through the doors to hug my uncle. As soon as I had my arms around him and was laughing, the door broke and demodogs ran through. My Uncle pushed me away from him.

"No!" I screamed. "Get off him!" I screamed again hitting one of them. They all turned to me.

"Alexia! Run! Go! Get out of here!" My Uncle yelled when he started to crawl away. I didn't want to leave, but Hopper grabbed me around my waist and pulled me away.

"No! Hopper, put me down! No! Please! God no!" I yelled crying as I watched the demodogs eat my uncle.

"No!" Joyce yelled. Hopper grabbed onto her and was pulling her but she wasn't budging. My Uncle reached out his hand in my direction and I reached out mine. At that time everything was silent. I wasn't fighting Hopper. I wasn't yelling. I wasn't crying. I was numb. I just lost the last family member I had. We got outside.

"Where's Bob?" Mike asked as Hopper put me down.

"He's dead." I whispered, "I couldn't save him." Mike looked at the ground after that. Then all of a sudden we heard honking which was perfect timing since the demodogs were breaking thought the door.  It was Jonathan Byers, Dustin Henderson, Max Mayfield, Lucas Sinclair, Nancy Wheeler, and Steve Harrington. We all got into cars. I was sitting in the very back alone. I couldn't help the little whimpers and the tears that were coming out of me. My heart hurt so bad. I was in the car with Dustin, Lucas, Max, Mike, and Steve.

"What's going to happen now." I whispered. To the others in the car.

"I don't know! Why does everyone think I know!" Steve yelled causing me to whimper and wince.

"Shut the hell up Steve. No one was asking you. And you hurt her again your going through me." Max said. I liked Max. She was the guy I'm seeing little sister. Step sister.

"Thanks, kid." I whispered to Max and which she nodded back. Max climbed into the back with me and we just hugged.

                    Flashback over
I shuddered thinking about that night. The worse night of my life other than my parents death when I was five. The next morning I stayed in bed. I didn't answer the phone when it rang. I didn't answer the door when people knocked. Hell I didn't even drink, eat, or sleep. That was until school. Which is where I'm heading. The way I go to school causes me to go pass the Lab. Before I was ok with going passed it. It never bothered me before but now it does. So yeah that's the worse moment of my life. Yay.

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