Chapter 2

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(Warning: Suicide/Abuse/demons/hell)

Screaming. Growling. Sobbing. All silent. Angelica's mind was racing; however, her body couldn't move. Her stomach was in knots, turning and twisting. She felt as though her guts were being ripped out through her throat. Her bloodshot eyes bulged from their sockets, yet she still could not see. Darkness enveloped her. 

There it was again. The falling dream. The pain vanished in an instant. All Angelica could see was the blur of shadows. This time, however, there was a slight difference. It was all tinted red. She turned her sights directly below her and she could see hot white flames licking up at her. "N-NO-!" she tried to plead against the inevitable. 

...The world slowly stopped spinning...

"Get up. You're fine." A male voice came from the shadows.

Angelica lifted her head and looked around. Her eyes slowly adjusted to the dark red lighting. Somehow she was in a room, the walls a dark maroon, and the lights dim. Standing against the far wall was a tall, slender man. His hair was half shaven, the other half falling over his right eye. He looked at her and scoffed.

In attempt to regain her composer, Angelica struggled to her feet and dusted herself off. As she ran her hands along her arms, she could see the faint glow and transparency of her skin. "What the hell...? Oh god... I'm dead..." The realization was deafening. Her mind froze and her heart craved tears, but none came.

The man laughed to himself, "No shit. Thats what happens when you kill yourself. You end up in this shit hole." He kicked the ground and Angelica took note of his appearance, her eyes now adjusted completely. His skin was a honeyed tan, and his hair was black- dyed red at the tips.

"...Who are you...?" She asked, moving towards him to get a better look.

His facial piercings twitched as he shot her a smirk, showing his mouth full of canines. "The name's Diablo Nochè, but my friends call me Deo."

Angelica noticed his ears weren't normal. So he's definitely a demon... The pointed tips were similar to elves ears, but longer, and pierced with black and silver studs. His outfit seemed to be stolen off a punk rock star, what with the studded leather jacket and ripped black jeans. He was like a character from one of the bad boy novels she had read. At this thought, blush rushed to her cheeks and she looked away. "I'm Angelica..."

Deo sighed and shook his head. "You can't go by that anymore. Once we get you a vessel, you gotta make a name for yourself."

////not finished////

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2022 ⏰

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