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THE NOISE HASN'T stopped a single bit, it was unsettling. Scarle honestly wanted to confront the person however, it's definitely Ren thats there, only because he wants to see Kyo.

What a creep

Scarle felt guilty for not knowing beforehand and even for not noticing the change of Ren's behavior. Scarle had seen situations of love but not to this extent. This is worse than any typical crush it's more of an obsession.

Scarle does wish to do something but she cant do much even if she is a mage, because Ren is an Alien. Aliens are not affected by any magic / spell that comes their way, which makes it difficult whenever there is a case where they have to go against them. There isnt much weak points, the only time mages have the upper hand is when An Alien has deep feelings towards one, but for Aliens. They only have the upper hand when they do not have any romantic feelings towards a mage.

While Scarle was deep in thought, yet again another sound came from the window. It sounded like someone was trying to open it. Causing Scarle to immediately to look at Kyo, soon shaking him to wake up.

"Kyo wake up, someone is trying to come in."
Scarle whispered to Kyo.

The continuous shaking woke him up, even from the whisper. Kyo seemed truly confused, obviously from him being awoken all of sudden. Before Kyo could respond, one more time came from the window. Kyo turned his head immediately then turned to look at Scarle, but Scarle had a grasp on Kyo's arm pulling him out of the room. Clearly for safety reasons.

Her house was quite large, there were so many doors that led to different rooms but she soon arrived at this one bookshelf that seemed normal when you first look at it but it really wasn't a normal bookshelf. It was realistically a hidden door. To activate the door you have to touch a certain spot of the bookshelf. It was confusing for Kyo, because he did not have a second to process the situation. The door led to stairs that were going towards, which Kyo found weird but didn't want to question it. As they continued going down, the sound of the bookshelf closing could be heard like a normal door.

However they continued to venture in the room which led to what seemed like a normal bedroom. It was odd but, Kyo obviously didn't want to question it.

Yet before Kyo could speak, Scarle covered his mouth with her hand and put a figure over her lips telling him to stay silent. He was confused but complied to it.

Then suddenly they heard a noise coming from above them, it sounded like someone smashed a window. Kyo was startled by the sound and immediately stared at Scarle with his eyes wide open. Soon a muffled voice could be heard, Kyo could't recognize the voice but Scarle did.

"Kyo, darling. Where are you?~"
The voice spoke in a terrifying tone.

There was no response, only letting the person to continue talking. Yet more and more noise came from above, and the voice became much more louder than it was before.

Soon Kyo had understood who it was.

Who was the intruder, the psycho, the stalker.

It was only Ren who would do such a thing yet it never crossed Kyo's mind of that possibility. Due to him being ever so focused on surviving.


Noise continued, it was unbearable. All the two wanted was to rest from the chaos but yet the chaos had to come and destroy it. Kyo felt guilty that Scarle had to be involved in this situation although Scarle was his friend. Someone who was genuine with her feelings, let people know what she believes and thinks is best, and cares for those around her. He was grateful that she was friends with him, otherwise this situation could have ended way worse.

As Kyo was lost in his thoughts the noise suddenly stopped. Which led Scarle to be wary of her surroundings soon bringing Kyo closer to her.

The silence only lasted a few minutes before the intruder, Ren spoke again but in an angry tone.

He soon laughs before punching a wall and exiting from the shattered window.

Kyo and Scarle were left stunned from what just happened. Yet Scarle immediately brought out a bat, as she holds onto Kyo bringing him along to the door of the room. She passes the bat to Kyo and slowly opens the door to not make much sound, also checking if the coast is clear.

Which thankfully was.

Scarle immediately pulled Kyo out and closing the bookshelf shut. Then bringing out her phone to call Aia, to allow her to come over for extra security. Especially after Ren breaking in all of a sudden, which was a surprise for both of them.

Did Ren actually leave? Will he be going after someone else for Kyo? Who would be the next person he'll target?

|      END OF CHAPTER NINE      |

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