Chapter 1: Deciding to Adopt

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Today was one of the days that both Dan and Phil had nothing to do. It's a rare occasion that they both have absolutely nothing to do. Usually they have to be at BBC Radio 1 for a show or a meeting, then one of them has to go on a date with someone they were to meet from a dating website and the other stays over at a friend's house after bringing home recently bought groceries and writing a chore list.

"This is quite relaxing," Dan said, breaking the comfortable silence into a comfortable chat.

"Yeah," Phil agreed, resting his head on Dan's shoulder. "We haven't done this in a long time."

Dan smiled at his best friend's tiredness. Dan's most recent girlfriend broke up with him because she didn't think that way with him anymore. She then got back together with her ex-boyfriend after Dan said to act on her feelings towards him that she never lost completely. It was a neutral break-up and are still friends with each other. Phil's recent girlfriend tore his heart into pieces. She seemed different at first, but only cared that he was the AmazingPhil. Phil really liked her, but once he found out that she was using him for his money and popularity, he broke it off. Dan stayed with him all of the time the week after the break-up because Phil wasn't exactly over it immediately.

"Why haven't we done this in a while?" Dan asked, putting his arm around Phil's shoulders.

Phil curled into Dan's arm and answered, "Because I've been going on random dates with random internet dating girls. Also because we couldn't do this when we had girlfriends."

Dan sleepily nodded, holding in a yawn. His eyelids were starting to droop when Phil's breathing became slow and easy, signaling that he was asleep. Not even five minutes later, Dan fell asleep from listening to Phil's breathing.

-The Next Morning-

Phil woke up alone on the couch to the smell of pancakes. He assumed that Dan put a blanket on him when he got up this morning and made pancakes. Phil got up and walked to their kitchen.

"Dan, did you seriously make pancakes for breakfast?" Phil asked after confirming that Dan did make pancakes.

"Not just any pancakes, Phil..." Dan answered in a climactic tone.

"Freaking Delia Smith pancakes!" both Dan and Phil shouted in an excited tone.

"We're going to cause the building to riot and kick us out if we keep yelling," Phil muttered.

Dan laughed and handed a plate to Phil. Phil took the plate and went to sit on the couch. Dan followed and they put on some Buffy. Dan and Phil were eating their pancakes and watching Buffy intently for about 10 minutes when Phil paused Buffy, set down his plate, and turned towards Dan.

"What's wrong, Phil?" Dan asked, setting down his plate and turning towards Phil.

"Well, um... I had this weird dream last night," Phil started.

Dan's expression changed to concern and motioned for Phil to continue speaking.

"Well, it was sort of the future. Like, it was if I didn't find another girlfriend. And if you didn't find a girlfriend. We'd probably have no center in our lives. But, I had two roads to look at. Sort of... ideas of the future. I don't really think that ideas is a good word. Visions of the future. Yeah. Anyways, I went down one road and we were two guys living in a run-down alley because we had no girlfriends for motivation. Sure, we had each other, but... And so I went back to the roads and went down the second one instead. This one showed us in a better flat. We weren't alone, though. We also didn't have girlfriends. It was like we adopted some kids together. Like, two best friends that are guys adopt some package-deal kids for centers in their life because they're too lazy and not ready for another relationship at the moment," Phil rushed, bracing himself for Dan's laughter.

Dan didn't laugh. Instead, he asked Phil, "What are 'package-deal' kids?"

"Um... They're kids that, if you want to adopt one, you have to adopt these other kids unless under certain circumstances," Phil answered, shocked that Dan was actually contemplating this idea.

"I've actually been thinking about this lately. I was thinking that we could just adopt a few, but that can be 'Plan B.' 'Plan A' can be the package-deal kids," after Dan finished these sentences, he started rambling and mumbling about specific details.

"You know," Phil interrupted, "we could just find a lovely orphanage and adopt some children. The fans will love them, I'm sure. I also think that we could go now if we wanted to."

Dan shook his head no. He looked confused at Phil mentioning just leaving at that moment.

"You were mumbling again," Phil explained.

Dan groaned and told Phil, "Well, earlier I was saying how we need to set things up. We both need to put our contact information. It'll we more paperwork because we're adopting together, but we're not together. We have to sign things explaining how we'll need to go back to the adoption center if we get married to have the kids be our kids, not like we're their caretakers. Also, we need to find an orphanage and set up an appointment with the orphanage."

Phil got a disappointed face. "Oh," he said, trying to hide his sadness.

"It's ok, Phil," Dan comforted. "We'll set up an appointment today, and hopefully it'll be soon."

Phil's face lit up when Dan said that. They then went back to their pancakes and Buffy watching.


Hello. Sorry if anything was off-sounding. I'm originally from America, and haven't exactly gotten used to British wordings. Thank you for reading if you did. I don't know how an orphanage works, I'm just going off of how my friend say that they do. I don't know where they got their qualification from, but... Yeah. I'll post another talking about their appointment at the orphanage and adopting a 'package-deal.' Comment if you have ideas for what famous people the adopted kids should look like. Their names are going to be Elizabeth Maebel Lestwell (Sorry. I had to write myself in.), Melody Lynn Lestwell, Harmony Jane Lestell, and George Frederick Lestwell. Lilly Mae, Mel, and Ny are all 12 and often confused as triplets, but are only friends. George is 2 and is Mel's biological cousin. Birthdays will be the same as the celebrity they look like. They won't look exactly like the celebrity, of course, but will look like them in terms of hair, eyes, nose, mouth, and facial details (freckles, dimples, etc.).

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