{1} M A G O A

434 9 2

"Speaking..." - Japanese
"Speaking..." - English
"Speaking..." - Enochian


magoa -


1.a lasting feeling of heartbreak



CHAPTER 1 : Magoa


Somewhere in SHIZUOKA PREFECTURE, Japan ; November 27th, 22XX, 8:45am

The move to Japan was rather smooth. They found and purchased a rather nice place to live in that was already fully furnished and had more than enough room for the three of them, so it was perfect.

After bidding goodbye to Rodin for the time being, the move was set in motion.

'Come say hi anytime, The Gates of Hell are always open.' Was the best they'd get out of Rodin, knowing that they could just conjure a portal to visit him anyways.

'It would've been nice if he at least shed a single tear.' Mother complained.

That was a couple of weeks ago and now they successfully had all of their luggage and moving boxes in their new home.

"Mmmm, new house smell." Cassandra hummed.

"Now, let's see what we have to work with. Cassandra, go and pick a room to stay in." Jeanne stated.

She nodded and ran upstairs to find herself a good room.

As she did that, Cereza and Jeanne got to work on organizing the boxes by putting them in the rooms that corresponded with what was inside.

As much as they were both excited about moving into a new country, they wanted everything to be absolutely perfect before they actually went through with anything in Japan.

"Here, you can try this one." Jeanne pointed.

Cereza walked over and picked up what looked to be a box full of clothes.

"Oh." A faint blush rose on Cereza's face, but was immediately masked with a smooth smirk to counter Jeanne's wiggling eyebrows.

Meanwhile, Cassandra took her sweet ass time deciding which room would be hers. There were more than two bedrooms, and one of them had a bathroom connected. And as much as she wanted that one, she knew her mothers would want that one, so she went for the one further down the hall.

As she put down the clothes into her own new bed, she heard a sound outside the door. It sounded like someone was yelling...

"Wow, the realtor wasn't kidding when they said the neighbors were loud..." Cassandra winced at the volume of their yelling.

A masculine voice yelled out something that Cassandra faintly recognized as swears, then a female voice yelled at him to shut up.


That sounded like some serious fighting going on.

She quickly made her way downstairs only to be met with chaos.

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