Chapter One

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I was flossing in front of my bathroom mirror when I got a text from Aiden. It’s reads:

I’m so excited about tomorrow.

That’s was weird I thought, Aiden doesn’t text, at least not something like this, well whatever. I went back into my room and jumped on my bed in my pajamas. Everyone was excited about tomorrow including me. After three months of lock down, our lives are finally going back to normal. Who wouldn’t be excited I thought.

“Uhm, maybe Aiden” I said out loud.

Being an homebody that he is, but he did just texted me few minutes ago that he was excited.

I turned over with my back facing down and stared at the ceiling, slowly I moved my face, looking all over my room covered in all black, then to the window at last. I went down my memory lane, to two months ago, when I and Aiden first met, online of course. Cecilia had just introduced him to the Avid family, a company in health and tech. I and Cecilia works as health consultant, and it was in our field Aiden was introduced and he has really being of great help ever since he joined us. I and Aiden grew very fond of each other, we video called and phone called a lot. Now the lock down will be over tomorrow and we planned on going for our first date soon after, we haven’t decided a date though, that’s on Aiden, he’s the introverted introvert, I on the other hand, I’m more of an extroverted introvert.

I soon started to feel sleepy, I turned to my side and sleep took me in.
I woke up to my daily routine, I was almost done with it when Aiden’s call came in.

“Hi babe,” he said.

That’d be the first time he’d call me that, not that we’ve started dating officially, but we sure really liked each other, and we did talk for more than a month, so I think it’s actually OK if he calls me that and besides, I loved it.

“Hi Aiden,” I replied with a blushy face.

“So what are you doing today?”

“Well I’d be meeting up with some of my clients, they’ve been wanting to meet up since forever,” I replied.

“and I think it’ll go on all day,” I added.

“Sounds like a very busy day, well thank God there’ll be an after lock down party tonight at the company to ease your day.”

“Yeah there would be,” I said but with a look of confusion on my face.

Aiden just sounded happy about a party, that’s a shock, I thought.

“ but I remember you saying you were going to come up with an excuse not to be present,” I reluctantly said.

“Common babe, you know I was only joking.”

“I’m the new guy, everyone would definitely look forward to meeting me tonight.”

“Yeah…they would,” I said slowly.

“What will you be doing today?”

“I’ll be working online, I’m not ready to meet up with a client yet.”

Typical Aiden, I thought as I smiled.

“See you tonight then,” I said.

“Yeah, see you tonight.”

I was a little bit surprised after the call, it came as a shock that Aiden was happy about a party. Yeah we’ve not met but I know he doesn’t like parties. Well we’d finally meet tonight and I was very happy about that.

I finally got home at night, it was such a stressful but very fun day. I met with some of my online clients and they were all amazing people, now I looked forward to finally meeting Aiden tonight, which was in less than our hour. I went into my kitchen to fix up something light to eat before getting ready as I was so hungry.

I scrolled on my phone to check out few things with my online clients.
As I logged into the company’s page, I decided to check out consultation reviews to see what my clients wrote about me so far, it was left on a public page for all other staffs to see so we’ll know who was doing well and who was not. I found out Aiden has been getting several bad reviews from yesterday. I was a bit shocked because he usually gets the best of reviews. Before he was employed I used to get the best reviews, then he came and took the spotlight and I was very jealous but I let it go and now I don’t even think about it at all. But seeing Aiden getting bad reviews made me feel very bad. I was about calling him on phone when I got a call from Cecilia.

“Hello babe.”

“Always joyful,” I replied with a smile.

“Yeah, never no negative vibes.”

From various sounds I could hear from her background she was definitely already in the party’s venue.

“Cecilia, it’s the first day after lock down and….”

“…and I’ve resumed having the best times of my life while you still sitting in your room I’m sure.”

“I’d be there soon ”

“Oh, that’s my girl!”

“And make sure you look good for Mr you know who”

“Yeah whatever, see you soon.”

“See ya.”

I got to the party soon after, exchanged greetings with other colleagues and went to find Cecilia afterwards. The moment, I thought about the bad reviews I saw earlier and was about to tell Cecilia, Aiden stepped in, in style.

“Oh my God, he look so handsome,” Cecilia said above my head.

I got up from the chair as soon as he saw me.

“Oh he’s looking at you, you should go meet him,” Cecilia said poking me.

Aiden walked towards us while exchanging greetings with other colleagues.

“Oh nice to finally meet you,”

That’s what most of them said.

He finally got to where I was standing.

“Hey,” he said as he gave me a hug and a peck on the cheek.

“Hey,” I replied with same gestures.

Few hours after Aiden arrived, the party seem to have gotten more fun as he lit up the floor. What I couldn’t really understand was, few days ago he wasn’t even interested in this party, and now he’s the light of the party.

“Well babe, you’d have to do a lot of work to keep him,” Cecilia said to my ears as we both stare at Aiden surrounded by lots of people, mostly ladies.
I felt a little bit jealous but we weren’t even together yet, I thought.
I was waiting for the moment he’d be alone so I’d ask him how he managed to get several bad reviews, but I didn’t think the moment was coming soon. I was tired already and ready to go home but by the looks of things, it seems the party was just getting started for Cecilia and Aiden. I decided to leave them both a text and I went home.

I couldn’t help but think, it’s been close to two months since we started talking and never did he mention he was a party guy, he only mentioned the hatred he had for parties and now…

I really wished I was able to talk with him though, I was really worried about those reviews I saw and it needed to be tackled soon. But maybe wishes do come true, because I heard my door bell rang just now. I rushed to open and Mr life of the party was on my doorstep.

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