Deny, Lie, & Suicide

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A week has passed since she tried talking to Malfoy in the halls.

Hermione had the feeling he was actively avoiding her. In classes they shared, he would be the last one in and first one out or he wouldn't bother to show up at all. She noticed he started skipping meals and if he did go to the great hall, he sat so his back was to her.

Just two days ago she was studying the library he saw her, they made brief eye contact, and he walked out. Not even getting the books he needed. Hermione was livid and worried.

And to top it off, Hermione was not the only one taking notice on Malfoy avoiding her. Word got around about the incident in the corridors. People came up with preposterous things just from them talking, well more like having an intense conversation, in front of everyone.

People were saying she was obsessed with Draco and would not leave him alone, which was bothersome because it made her sound like some lovesick puppy.

Others were saying Draco kissed Hermione right in the middle of the hall, those were easily shot down when he showed up to the Great Hall holding hands with Pansy Parkinson a few days later.

Hermione stabbed her fork into the eggs on her plate, as she watched Parkinson play with Draco's hair across the hall at the Slytherin table. If Draco wanted her to hate him, he was pretty close to succeeding. She gave him a piece of her in the summer and now he is acting like nothing and getting chummy with Parkinson?!

She tore her eyes from the disgusting view and looked to the vacant seats in front of her. Where Ron and Harry would be in soon.

She was surprised Harry and Ron haven't asked her exactly what happened, well to be fair she's been avoiding them by staying in the library late and during meals she would make an excuse to sit with Neville or Luna. Who, unfortunately for her, both not present.

Meaning her time for avoiding her friends has come to an end. She took a breath as she saw her two best friends making their way to the table, taking a seat in front of her.

"Hey Mione." Ron said giving her a small smile.

"Hi Ron. Hi Harry."

"Mione." Harry gave her a slight nod, obviously acting different due to the rumors.

Ron wasted no time piling his plate. "It's good to see you Mione. I feel like I haven't talked to you in ages. I mean blimey it's only the first week of school, you must be weeks ahead with all the time in the library!"

"You know me, Ron. Just wanted a head start on all the upcoming assignments. The workload for Advance Ancient Runes is quite intense." She gave her friend a smile. She was relived to find that Ron was acting normal. Speaking with a full mouth, complaining about class work, and going on about quitch tryouts. Harry on the hand seemed tense. He just observed her while she spoke almost as if he is trying to find lies within her words.

His stare caused her to shift in uneasiness before she spoke to him "And how are you, Harry? Gin mentioned that you finally plucked up the courage to ask her out."

Ron grunted at the mentioned of his sister and best mate, while Harry gaze softened at the mention of Ginny "Yeah. Well technically she corned me and called me daft. I believe her exact words were 'Harry you must be daft to not see I fancy you. Because I tried to ask Dean Thomas out for tea and he told me I was asking the wrong bloke because I am obviously in love with Harry. So, get the courage to ask me out to tea or so help me!' so that night I owled her asking if she wanted to get tea with me next Friday." Harry chuckled.

"Harry that's absolutely adorable!"

Harry just gave her a nod and proceeded to eat. His demeaner seemed to cool until he was looking behind Hermione. She turned to see what put Harry back into a foul mood and she saw Malfoy and Parkinson making their way out the Great Hall.

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