Three, Two, One

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TW: Mention of Past Child Abuse & Mention of Panic Attack

Thank You all for being patient with my updates, it has been a rough couple of weeks!

I am curious.... (you can answer in comments or just message me on any of my socials)

Who do you prefer Hermione with in THIS fic ?

Any predictions or concerns?


Malfoy Manor - July 9, 1992

Draco was laying in his bedroom, exhausted from practising quidditch all morning. He loved the sport, but his father really wanted him to make the team, so he made him practise for hours without so much as a bite of food until he caught the snitch at least ten times.

Draco was just dozing off when his room lit green, he sat up quickly to see who had dared enter his room without permission. He rolled his eyes when he noticed his best friend's brown curls.

"Nott, you better have a good reason -" Draco's scolding was interrupted when Theo finally looked up and his face was bloody and covered in bruises. Draco made his way to his beaten best friend, "Salazar! What happened to you?"

Tears rolled down the young Theo's cheeks. "I - I - I fell."

"You fell?" Draco questioned him, clearly not believing his lie. His eyes looked to Theo's arm that was wrapped around his ribs, causing Theo to shift uncomfortably. Draco knew this wasn't caused by a fall... "I will call moth-"

"No!" Theo pulled his arms to stop Draco, slightly showing the blood his arm was covering. "Drake. Please I don't want Aunt Cissa to worry. Just - I need help to heal it and it will be fine."

"You want me to heal it?" Draco gasped. "I - I don't know anything about that!"

"I know the spell, I've done it before. I just - I can't this time."

"What if I hurt you? What about not using magic outside of hogwarts?"

"Drake, they won't know. I have done it so many times before... Please, you won't get in trouble." Theo begged, his tears rolling onto the floor at a faster rate.

Draco's stomach turned, he knew Theo should be talking to an adult or someone who knows what to do. "Maybe we should just get the elves?"

"No, Drake please! They'll tell!" Theo cried, his breathing increased. He started to pace in front of Draco and mumbled uncontrollably. "They will tell and - he... he. He will - he will - get - angry. He will... Oh - Oh, he will kill - me."

Draco grabbed the panicked Theo, pulling him into a careful hug. Theo shook inside of Draco's little arms as he tried to calm him. "Shhhh. It's okay. I will try to heal it. You're fine. He won't know."

Theo continued to mumble in Draco's arms. "Breathing, fire cracking..." Draco scrunched his eyebrows not understanding why Theo was saying random words. "Bed, books... Draco."

When he finally calmed, Draco led Theo to the edge of the bed. "The easiest one is Episkey," Theo flicked his hand showing Draco the movement, "just point it at my face."

Draco closed his eyes, focusing on his magic and his intention to heal. He opened his eyes, flicking his wrist at Theo's face, "episkey." The bruises and cuts under Theos eyes healed and Draco continued the charm on the other marks left on Theo's face.

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