Preppy Party

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"Hello, what are you doing here?" King the lion, wearing a blue crown and blue basketball jersey, asks.

Touchdown, the bear, wearing a red sweater and white pants, approaches King, Prince the tiger, and Handsome Dan the bulldog.

Touchdown says, "I heard there was going to be a party."

"Were you invited?" Handsome Dan asks.

"Err, that's kinda what I wanted to ask. Would it be cool if I joined the party?" Touchdown says.

"You are so pathetic," King says.

Touchdown stammers while flustered, "R-really? I-I-I mean..."

Handsome Dan says, "You want to be cool, that's why you are here. You are pathetic."

"But you three are so cool," Touchdown says.

"We are cool but you'll never be," Handsome Dan says.

Prince says, "Yeah. Never."

Touchdown responds, "But people will think I'm cool."

Handsome Dan says, "No, they won't because we won't."

Touchdown says, "I'll beg on my knees. Please let me be your friends."

King laughs. Touchdown blushes then gets on his knees.

Touchdown begs, "Please let me into your party."

King says, "Leave, worm."

Touchdown gets up and says, "I'll be back."

A short while later...

Touchdown enters The Dragon's Dojo.

"Hello Touchdown~♡" Master Thorn says.

Touchdown says, "Hey, Master."

Master Thorn says, "Why are you here? I thought you'd be at your party."

Touchdown says, "King, Prince, and Handsome Dan didn't let me in. I'll guess I'll just spend the night with you."

"Do you want me to deal with them?" Master Thorn asks.

Touchdown looks away embarrassed then stutters, "Y-Yes, Master."

Master Thorn leaves.

Back in front of King's house...

Pounce the panther jumps out of a bush scaring Mike the golden-furred tiger, Burn the tiger, and Mick Jaguar. Mike, Burn, and Mick run away. Pounce hides back into the bushes.

Master Thorn walks into King's house.

"Who invited the old geezer?" Prince asks.

Master Thorn beats him up.

"Ow!" Prince moans in pain.

"Do you know who bullied Touchdown?" Master Thorn asks,

"King and Handsome Dan," Prince says as he gestures to the lion and bulldog in the corner.

Master Thorn goes over to them.

"Dan, did you invite him?" King asks as he looks over to Master Thorn.

Master Thorn punches Dan and says, "I'm not invited. Now, are you willing to apologize to Touchdown?"

"Sure, please just don't hurt me!" Master Thorn says.

Master Thorn takes him to Touchdown.

"I'm sorry for everything," King says.

The next day...

In the University of San Andreas campus, Pounce pops out of a bush scaring King, Prince, and Dan out of their pants. King is wearing white briefs with teddy bear print and light blue leg holes, Prince is wearing orange boxers with a teddy bear logo on the front center, and Dan is wearing light blue boxers with teddy bear print. King, Prince, and Dan run away. Pounce laughs before scratching his arm.

"You are in a poison ivy bush," Master Thorn says.

Pounce blushes as he's placed over Master Thorn's knee. Master Thorn rubs itchy cream on his butt. Some students like Mike, Burn, Mick, and Peaches the stork laugh as they walk by.

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