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new fic alert! probably 99% indulgent but I'm exited to get this out. I have another lashton fic up too if you wanna check that out!

Ignore any mistakes, haven't had time to proof read!


The thing about Calum was that he was never too far from Ashton.

Out for a drive, one guess as to who's in the passenger seat.

Smoking a joint out back, one guess as to who's next in the blunt rotation.

It was always pretty safe to assume that where you'd find one you'd find the other. It'd been like that for years now, Calum's mum called them codependent, Ashton said that was bullshit.

They'd met on the playground when Ashton was a quiet little subdued boy, with hair that refused to fall anywhere else than in front of his eyes. Calum was then as he was now, friendly as hell.

Calum weaselled his way into Ashtons heart when he was young and impressionable, that's how he's stuck around, at least that's what Calum says to anyone who asks.

To Ashton, Calum was more than his best mate, he was his escape too - from all things rubbish in the world. Calum was a lifeline, which is why he couldn't help but let his hackles go up when Michael kept stealing his attention.

It wasn't that he was jealous of Michael in that way, he'd been there done that sophomore year in the backseat of his old car and a few other places.

He was mostly just unnerved by the hostility Michael sent his way. At first he'd thought it was to do with Michaels pretty blonde friend Luke, who Ashton had a rather public 'will they won't they' relationship with. However, even after the pair swore off each other over the summer before senior year Michael was still standoffish towards him.
He just didn't get why.

Calum was desperate for them to get along, and Ashton felt bad that he was probably one of the few things stopping the pair getting together, but friendship - or at least tolerance of each others existence - was a two way street, Michael.


It was their first day back and as soon as they were let out for lunch Ashton dawdled his way to his locker before setting off for Calum's. Along the way he stopped to chat to a few classmates and spent an ungodly amount of time staring at Luke who was leant up against his own locker speaking with Sierra, the schools cheer captain. Ashton was at a complete loss as to how the boy could get even hotter, but with his shorter cut bleach blonde curls and clearly more built arms, Ashton was a goner.

He managed to tear his eyes away from Luke after Sierra caught his staring, much to his embarrassment, and so he continued on his journey to Calum's locker. He spotted the other boy and unfortunately for him he also spotted Michael, guy was hard to miss with his freshly dyed blond and black hair.

"Hey Calum, Mikey-" Ashton approached them with a teasing tone and smile which was not appreciated by Michael if the frustrated huff he let out was anything to go by.

"I'll see you around Cal, yeah?" Michael reached out to pat Calum's shoulder, letting his hand linger as he pulled away with a subtle bite of the bottom lip.

Ashton went to wave goodbye but cut himself off when Michael just sneered at him, making him raise his arms in an exaggerated shrug, chuckling to himself as he turned back to Calum who wasn't looking best pleased with him.

"Really?" He raised a dark unimpressed brow.

"What?" Calum crossed his arms, muscles flexing as he did so. "Oi, it's not my fault he hates my guts for no reason!"

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