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Hurt + Comfort 💕
(Office Worker Kochiribi x Househusband Kontom AU!)

It hurts to leave the light on for nobody. Kontom especially, knows the feeling.

He sits on the couch for hours at a time, waiting for his love to come home only to just try and make himself comfortable in bed. Alone.

One day after falling asleep on the couch he happened to hear the door open quietly. The sounds of feet shuffling against the wooden flooring and the faint smell of his cologne with a hint of alchohol.

Even falling in and out of conciousness he heard a groan followed by a sniffle as he felt the couch dip next to him and a head lay in his lap.

Kontom cracked an eyelid open to see Kochiribi with his face buried in his hands, he was certain he was crying but wasn't sure why.

"Ribi, why are you crying?" Kontom asked softly, not wanting to scare him.

His eyes widened to see that his lover was awake, "It's nothing. I just cry when I'm drunk." Although he wasn't sure if it was a lie or not it sounded like a lie.

Kochiribi was going to sit up but Kontom had pushed him back down.

"I beg to differ. C'mon we can talk about it." Kontom said.

"We can't." Kochiribi said, his voice shaking.

"I don't want to overstep but you're worrying me." Kontom said, wiping some of his tears.

Kochiribi felt his heart clench, Kontom had never seen him breakdown like this before.

Kochiribi curled into a small ball, trembling. "I'm sorry." He croaked.

"What for?" Kontom asked.

It had surprised Kontom a little, Kochiribi was never one to cry let alone apologize about his behavior unless it was really serious.

"For not loving you enough. For being an asshole to you all this time, leaving you alone and coming home late. I rarely speak to you anymore, I try and compensate for my actions by giving you material gifts that probably mean nothing to you. I'm trying so hard. And I'm sorry." He explained, his hands covered his eyes.

They were wet with tears of frustration and guilt that had built up over time. He didn't want to see the reaction of Kontom, who he cherished so dearly. What would he think of him?

Kontom's eyes watered, it was the apology that he had long awaited but he certainly wasn't ready for the next suggestion.

"We should break up." Kochiribi said.

"What are you talking about?" Kontom asked thoroughly confused by what he meant. He thought that the both of them came to a mutual understanding, so what was this all about?

"I cannot give you what you deserve or what you need or what you want. I'm just a piece of shit. How could you ever," He hesitated for a moment,  "love me for doing this to you? This is not what lovers are supposed to do." Kochiribi's teary eyes met Kontom's hurt gaze.

"Of course I love you, no matter if you hurt me or not. We're still going to be together." Kontom said, struggling not to cry as well.

"People who are in a relationship are supposed to give and take equally, not leave the other one hanging. I'm just hurting you. Even if I wanted to I can't even make the time to be with you because of my stupid responsibilities. I can't do anything for you anymore. It's not like how it was in highschool. Everything is different now. I don't want you to live like this anymore. I'm sorry." Even then, it looked like he was holding back words he wanted to say.

"You have nothing to apologize for. It's just. . .unclear to me as to why you think I could possibly want anyone other than you." Kontom stated, a tear of his dripping on Kochiribi's face.

"I don't want to break up with you. Because even when you make me feel angry or sad I still love you. And I'll wait for you as long as I have to." Kontom placed his forehead against Kochiribi's.

"I promise you I'll make time even if I get in trouble." Kochiribi held Kontom's face and kissed him.

Kontom laughed, "I wouldn't ask you to do that for me."

"I still will." He declared.

"Can we eat ice cream before we sleep though? It'll make me feel better." Kontom pleaded.

"Of course you big baby." He hugged the other.

"Says the one that was bawling-" For that Kontom was knocked on the head.

"Hey what was that for-" Kontom was pulled into another kiss, and he blushed.

"Dummy. You know I love you right?" Kochiribi asked, his eyes puffy from all the crying.

"Yes. I love you too." Kontom said, smiling.

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