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~YourNightmare is online~

YourNightmare: Yo, someone play t or d with me

~Blue is online~

Blue: I'm game, I could use some good gossip rn

YourNightmare: Excellent, cause I've got tea 🍵

Blue: 👀🍵

Blue: Intriguing

~Pastaway is online~

Pastaway: I'm afraid of how this will turn out

Pastaway: But someone needs to monitor you

Pastaway: I'm in

~Tool is online~

Tool: U guys r a bunch of babies

Blue: Am not D:<

Tool: U r

Pastaway: How r we babies?

Tool: Just cause u r

YourNightmare: So u wanna join?

Tool: Nope

~Godsend is online~

Godsend: Me and Keith r in

YourNightmare: Great!

Tool: I never agreed to this

Blue: Too bad mullet >:)

Pastaway: So who's going first??

YourNightmare: Me B)

YourNightmare: Lance, truth or dare?

Blue: Dare

Blue: I ain't afraid

YourNightmare: U'll regret saying that lol

YourNightmare: I dare you to flirt with Keith for 20 minutes

Blue: Mkay

Pastaway: ...

Godsend: ......

Tool: Why was I dragged into this?

YourNightmare: Just okay??

YourNightmare: Interesting...

Blue: Ig I'll be back in 20

~Blue is offline~

Tool: Dear god no

YourNightmare: You're welcome :)

Tool: 🖕

Pastaway: Who next? Lance is gone

YourNightmare: Shiro will go

Godsend: Okay

Godsend: Hunk t or d?

Pastaway: Tacos

Pastaway: *truth

Godsend: Don't pretend that that was autocorrect

Pastaway: Sorry

YourNightmare: Busted lol

Tool: Someone save me

Godsend: Anyway, Hunk what's U're favourite meal?

Godsend: U can only pick one

Pastaway: How dare u

YourNightmare: Technically it was a question, not a dare so

Pastaway: Fair point

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