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- T H I R T Y -

June 17, 2020

📍Daegu, South Korea


Choi June

It'd been two days since I've been in the Daegu warehouse, locked in this hospital room while three meals a day shuffled in and out by an unknown women who I never got around to talking to. She always had her eyes trained down, always dropped my food off and then left. The Cypher members never really did come back after that first night I took a nap with Yoongi. I assume they were just too busy dealing with the recent attack to wonder how I was doing.

I didn't mind it all too much, but I was getting antsy being here. I didn't want to just sit around and do nothing while The Asahi was still seeking ways to murder me. It didn't make me feel safe, and it didn't make me any less worried for the people in my life either.

Besides, I still had lots to talk about with Bomi, and I haven't been able to see her in days.

I've received radio silence from Cypher for quite some time now and a part of me was starting to wonder if they'd forgotten about me—as odd as it sounds.

It wasn't until one afternoon, where I stare blankly at the reality TV show I'd been forced to watch on the television in the corner of the room, that a knock sounded on the door and then opened a second later.

I perked up in my seat on the hospital bed, ignoring the slight pain in my abdomen, praying it was someone with answers to my questions.

When Namjoon peeked his head inside and then opened the door wider to walk in without permission, I was pleased he'd shown up at all.

I slumped back on the bed, resting my injuries as I watched him walk over at stand at the end of the bed.

"How are you feeling?" he asks.

"Like I need to get out of here," I huffed.

He grinned, showcasing his dimples—a rarity to be shown so raw like this, but beautiful nonetheless. "Can you even walk?"

As if to prove him a point, I ripped the blanket off my lap and swung my feet over the side of the bed. Namjoon watched with curious and cautious eyes as I planted my feet to the ground and then stood up.

He made no move to rush to my aid when I took a step and winced at the pain in my abdomen. I knew it hurt during my short trips to the bathroom, so I bit my cheek as I took another step just to prove to him I wasn't in pain. Even if I was.

Namjoon nodded, amused at my restraint. "You should probably sit back down."

I exhaled a breath as I sat back down on the bed. Walking was fine, but perhaps I was too consumed with the fact that I'd gotten stabbed, that all my attention was on my injuries, therefore adding more pain to it. I needed to relax my muscles.

"There's no rush, June. We don't fly to Japan till the end of the month."

"Still." I sighed. "I can't bear it anymore. I need to get out of here. Be progressive. Shoot a gun, punch a face. Talk to Bomi."

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