Chapter 1: The Beginning Of The End

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Hi, my name's Aurore, this is the story of how my life... came crashing down. It was a bright summer day when I set out for adventure. I had Tilly, my golden retriever, with me. Tilly was a bright golden retriever with pale blue eyes. Sounds adorable, right? She is! She really is. Or... she was. "Come on girl, lets go into the creepy forest, I'm sure we'll have quite the adventure there!" I said. Tilly looked unconvinced but came along anyway, she never leaves my side. "Good girl, Tilly!" I praised her. Tilly suddenly started dashing ahead, into the forest. I ran after her. "Tilly, come back!" I yelled. It was no use, Tilly was too far ahead. I knew I would get lost eventually, but I had to find Tilly! Memories of running around and hiking in the mountains with Tilly flashed in my head. Only, this time was different, we were apart! Maybe forever. I heard Tilly's voice, but it was coming in long, painful cries. I forced myself to run faster, towards where I heard Tilly. When I got there, I found something worse then anything I've ever hoped to see. Tilly was laying on the ground, mauled. I went over to her and knelt down, screaming and crying, hoping my beautiful girl would awaken. She never did. "I'll make you the most beautiful funeral ever, I promise!" I said. I picked her up slowly, making sure not to ruffle her glorious pelt. "You will always be alive, in my heart." I said. Tears fell down my cheeks. I found a wonderful spot, it had roses and daises all over the area. The trees were cleared away, forming a circle. The sun shown brightly. That is where I laid my little girl to rest.

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