Chapter 2: The Creature

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"What happened to Tilly?" I asked myself, at the time I had no idea what happened to my little girl. "Please, God, give me an answer!" I prayed and prayed for an answer to what happened to Tilly. The wind blew, my prayer wasn't answered. "Please..." I prayed, again. Suddenly, the wind blew and blew, faster, faster, and faster! A black shape started running from the wind. I chased after the creature. "That must be what did it to Tilly!" I said, running faster and faster. Eventually, I was right on the creature's tail. The chase was on! We got to a river, I didn't know we went that far! The creature stopped, it turned to look at me. It must've realized the wind had stopped! "Uh oh..." I said, realizing it was a bear. I heard whimpering, and crying coming from the other side of the bear. I looked over and saw 3 little bear cubs. They looked like they were just born. I wanted, so bad, to get revenge on the bear, but couldn't. I could never leave any baby homeless, even those of the bear who took my Tilly away, forever. I turned around and walked back to Tilly's gravesight. I got to her grave and started making cool things with the flowers, I placed them on her grave. "There, it wasn't a big thing, but it's all I can do, if I ever get out, I'll have this sight turned into your memorial." I promised. I felt a cold chill, I knew Tilly's spirit lingered here. "If you can hear me, I'm sorry for not getting there sooner." I said. I knew she'd heard me. I felt the same chill. I thought a saw something starting to appear, faintly. It disappeared, maybe I imagined it.

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