Some Sea Salt Scrubs

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Lavender Scrub
Take about a cup of sea salt and add to it half a cup of almond oil and five to seven drops of lavender essential oil. Rub this scrub on to your damp skin and use a loofah to exfoliate.
Lemon juice and sea salt scrub
Mix together one spoon of sea salt and one spoon of lemon juice. Use this scrub to exfoliate your body. While the sea salt will help scrub off dead cells, lemon will help lighten up dark spots on your body.

Egg, lemon and sea salt scrub
Use the white of one egg and mix it together with two spoons of sea salt and half a teaspoon of lemon juice. Blend them well and then use this scrub to exfoliate. The egg in this scrub will help tighten your skin.

Oatmeal and sea salt scrub
Take two cups of sea salt and add half a cup of oatmeal, grapeseed oil, olive oil and a few drop of any essential oil. Mix these ingredients together and use it on your body as an exfoliant.

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