Aloe Vera

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Aloe Vera, also known as the 'plant of immortality' by the ancient Egyptians, was used for its healing properties since time immemorial. It is great for skin and hair; trust me, I've been benefited a lot by using aloe vera on hair and skin. Plus, I grow my own aloe vera and you could grow your own too; it's a cheap but invaluable solution for a lot of problems.

You can make fresh aloe juice at home by cutting the leaf and extracting the aloe gel from it.

Benefits of aloe vera for skin:

1. Treats allergies and skin issues like eczema, psoriasis, itchy skin and so on.

2. Offers Healthy Glow

3. Treats Acne and Pimples

4. Treats Sunburns (has helped me a lot personally in this case)

5. Lightens Skin

How to use Aloe Vera for Skin;

1. Make a paste with a pinch of turmeric,1 teaspoon of Honey, 1 teaspoon of milk and few drops of rose water.
Add the aloe vera gel to the paste and mix it well.If you have cut the gel into cubes, you will need to blend the whole mixture to form the paste.
Apply the paste on to the face and neck evenly for about 20 minutes.
Then wash if off with Luke warm or cold water and pat dry with a clean towel to get glowing skin.

2. Apply a paste of aloe vera gel and lemon juice on the tanned area.Leave it on for 10 mins and wash it off.
Alternatively, you can also make a mixture of the same and apply the mix with help of a cotton ball on the affected areas to treat them.

3. Just make a paste of aloe vera extract and rose water and apply it on face for 20 minutes. Rinse off using cold water.

Benefits of aloe vera for hair:

1. Treats Hair Loss

2. Treats Dandruff

3. Restores Hair's Strength and Beauty

4. Promotes Hair Growth

5. Repairs Dry and damaged hair.

How to use Aloe Vera for Hair:

1. 4 oz. water
4 oz. aloe vera gel
Essential oil (choose your own)
Blend aloe vera and water in a small bowl with a spoon.
Pour this in a spray bottle and shake it gently, then add essential oil and shake it again.
You can spray it in your hair when you find it unmanageable.

2. To make those dandruff flakes vanish from your scalp, mix few drops of tea tree oil with the aloe vera gel.
You can add two teaspoons of rose water to this mixture for a serum consistency.

3. Collect half a cup of aloe vera gel and add 2 teaspoons of thick hibiscus flower paste to it. Hibiscus is very good for hair and hibiscus oil is used by many who want long and thick hair. Since, hibiscus stimulates hair growth by allowing blood circulation to the scalp. It prevents split ends. It also stops the premature greying of hair. You can use it along with henna to get a natural hair colour and thick hair. You can also use hibiscus as a toner for face cleansing as it removes all toxic buildup leaving your skin fresh and healthy.
Blend this mixture well and your conditioner is ready for use!
This homemade conditioner can beat all your store bought conditioners by providing your hair a lustrous shine.
If your hair is extremely dry, then don't forget to add a teaspoon of olive oil to this aloe conditioner.

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