Chapter 1: First Breathes

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Space Colony ARK, 1955

High above the earths glow, a space station disguised as a large comet caught in orbit between the Earth and the Moon, the Space Colony known as The ARK floated quietly, even if the inside was bustling excitedly.

There were spacial visitors from Mobius, an echidna dressed in tribal-chief garb with two guards and a large Echidna in ceremony paint to accent his eyes. They were the Guardian of Angel Island and the Tribal Chief. Angel Island was home to the power gems known as Chaos Emeralds, and the Echidna tribe was glad to allow the scientists to use an emerald for a project. Someone to Protect Earth and Mobians, and to make a bridge between Humans and Mobians

Next to the Echidna was a larger Scientist with a graying mustache and a white lab coat. His name was Gerald Robotnik, the head scientist of the Projects here on the Ark. At his right side were his two Top Scientists, Dr. Jonathan Von Neuron and Dr. Ryan Weever. At his left was his little helper and Granddaughter, Maria. Though he had suggested she be resting for the day, since apparently her NIDS were acting up terribly today, she wanted to see Ada for the first time.

"I was glad to hear that the Project is going well Dr. Robotnik." The Chief said.

"She's developed quite well sir." Gerald replied. "Her vitals gave us a bit of a scare at first, but she straitened out and we believe she's ready to enter the world."

"She?" Locke, the Guardian, asked.

"We sadly had no control over the gender." Gerald explained. "Nor how she would appear."

"She is not Echidna?" The Chief asked. "I thought our agreement was an Echidna."

"Now please understand sir." Gerald said, keeping his voice respectful and calm. "Project Ada is truly a test run. To see if we can create such a being infused with the chaos powers of the Emerald. We still intend on creating the Ultimate Life Form, Project Shadow, but we wanted to ensure we could work out the bugs."

The chief still didn't look pleased, but he grunted in understanding. Humans seemed to get caught up in new discoveries like a child exploring a cave. However, now and then they got lost and would need someone to find them again.

They entered the lab, where a large tube filled with green liquid stood in the centre. Inside was a human looking girl with fair skin and red hair. She was maybe in her mid to late teen years now. They had grown her naturally to ensure the strength of her skeletal structure, so when she was little, she was temporarily removed from the tube so a long white chemise could be put on her so she could grow into it as she got older. There was a gentle smile on her face and her hands twitched. Gerald smiled. She was dreaming again. She seemed to enjoy dreaming, seeing as her frequent soft smile would widen when she was dreaming. And her mental activity would pick up.

"A bit on the small side." The chief said. "Not exactly the warrior we expected."

"She Technically hasn't been born yet Chief." Locke said, smiling at the child. Though he sensed a gentle soul, she was kind, almost motherly. And he knew anything about people with this sense, they could be warriors when the time was needed.

"How quickly do you expect her to strengthen?" The chief asked.

"If our studies are correct." Jonathan, or Johnny as Dr. Gerald called him, answered. "She should develop fairly quickly. She's already absorbing several things we've used the computers to teach her, though she seems to have trouble with numbers. When we get into the formulas, she actually stops responding like she's ignoring the equations."

Dr. Gerald chuckled, remembering when Johnny first tried it. He had said that she seemed to try to work through it, but after half an hour she seemed to give up and ignored the equation and Johnny's attempts to assist her. And on her face she seemed rather frustrated.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22 ⏰

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