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    (y/n) wasnt an average girl u see!!! she was a princess from a far away country!! but she had to move to (redacted) country to live with her long lost mother who finally claimed owner ship of her. she was excited to be living a peasant lifestyle *ahem* i mean- a normal teenage girl life!! she was excited for her first day of big sussy balls high!! 

     (y/n) was exausted of living such a high and mighty life she sighs as she gets off her private jet *COUUGGH* i mean- an ordinary airplane!! she took off her shades while carrying her expensive prada bag. she sighs and says to her butler " will i be able to fit in with the other girls?" her butler just stared at her cause she high key wanted to strangle this annoying wanna be main character brat- UH I MEAN- her butler stared at her with empathy (rage) in her eyes and pats dear little (y/n)

     "Ofc you will my darling! Who wouldnt love you? A sweet young little girl with many talents and a great sense of humor such as you self will make plenty of friends i am sure of it!" Her butler politely says.

    "Ok cool anyways wheres the fuckin limo i ordered on uber its taking fucking forever to get here." The little shit called (y/n) stares at her brand new iphone PEN15 (so new its not even fuckin out yet) and taps her size 4 new yves saint laurent shoes against the cold hard floor  at the suitcase area.

    Her butler shakes her head in dismay. Such a little shit shes not getting paid enuff. Her butler takes off her glove and takes out a tiny bag out of her pocket. She then pours a mysterious substance on her bare finger before pressing it against her nose and inhaling it as fast as she could before stuffing the bag back into her shoe. She blinked really hard before pressing her nose again to prevent from sneezing.

"Ok miss (y/n) lets go find that limo." She says as she pushes 5 suitcases and carries 15 different luxury shopping bags ontop. They leave the terminal and hope to find that gay ass limo.

The limo then proceeds to hit and run over (y/n). "Oops my bad missy!" The chauffer said. The butler screamed before yanking (y/n)'s dead carcass from under the limo.

What a great start off to a new life!!! (Y/n)  is gonna love big sussy balls high!!

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