The cock-sucking waste of sperm behind this

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All of these fanfics are made by Cr4yon

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All of these fanfics are made by Cr4yon._.D3m0n.  Cr4yon._.D3m0n is a Haikyuu fanfic writer.

This is their OC, Potato Chip. What fucking BAFFLES me, is that this loser has the AUDACITY to make this shit of an 11 year old.

They have been banned on multiple writing platforms, including this one.

If you can't read their shitty ass handwriting, this is what they wrote.

!!TW: NSFW!!

"She weally wikes Asahi, and hump piwwo for him UwU"

This person should kill themselves, and burn in hell. Fuck this failed abortion. I hope their parents abuse them at home.

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