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Blood was only 5 years old when her 'mother' first hit her, she hadn't even done anything wrong today, she didn't even have one of her 'episodes'; as her siblings called it, again she had been a good girl, well as good as a freak can get.

You see Blood has always had this connection with Pokémon and I don't mean your usual connection of trainer and pokémon; I mean a deeper bond, like that of family. Another thing is that, Blood can feel a pokémon's emotions and feelings, she can even understand them sometimes, but no one believes the 'freak kid'.

Another thing is that Blood has two very special things that make her different and those would be her fluffy blood Red wolf ears and tail. These features are also why people abuse her and call her a freak. Well everyone except the pokémon.

Blood is 6 years old now and nothing has changed, she was still abused and still called a 'freak'. What has changed is the fact that a bigger then normal Balbusaur, a tiny silver Eevee and a blue cat like creature that can use telepathy, to talk to Blood that now comes and tells her about the world outside the village she resides in.

They tell her of a world that sounds like a fantasy and a nightmare all in one box, but she still asked her new family about everything they knew, and anything they didn't know she asked her older 'brothers' pokémon; when they weren't around around, of course, and then if they couldn't answer her questions, then she would find out herself, with her family; Gibbs the giant Balbusaur, Soul the tiny silver Eevee, her 'brothers' Ponyta, Shadow-flare and Mileon the blue cat pokémon.

As the days bleed into weeks and weeks into months Blood had ran away from that village and was now in the the Galar region, living with her new older brothers Leo and Hop; who'd taken her and her poké family in. One thing that Blood doesn't understand is why Shadow-flare stayed, but she wasn't questioning it, especially since he said he wasn't ever leaving her all alone again.

After her new brothers took her in, Blood saw a flute and started pleading with her brothers mother to teach her how to play it, and she did. After many months of learning Blood learnt how to play the flute; that she named Wei Ying, she also started to learn Lugia's song, but it would be many years before she had to play that melody to calm a Pokemon other then Gibbs, Soul, Mileon or Shadow-flare.

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