Sticks' Birthday

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Next day
Sonic: -wakes up-
Amy: -still hugging Sonic-
Sonic: -Thinks to self- Amy is cute when she's asleep
Amy: -wakes up saw Sonic looking at her-
Sonic: Morning Ames
Amy: -lets go of Sonic- Sorry about that
Sonic: Its alright
Amy: -gasps- Oh,no
Sonic: -looks at her with a confused look- What is it?
Amy: Its Sticks' birthday today
Sonic: Oh,I'm sure Tails and Knuckles are managing her birthday party
Amy: I hope so
With Tails and Knuckles
Tails: Knuckles its Sticks's birthday today
Knuckles: Why didn't you tell me about that?!
Tails: I just did
Knuckles: Maybe I didn't here you
Tails: Anyway....we've got to surprise her
Knuckles: How? There's only the 2 of us
Tails: Will set it up near her cage in where Sonic and Amy are in
Knuckles: Okay,so what will I do to help?
Tails: You make the cake and I'll set up the decorations
Knuckles: You can count on me -leaves-
Tails: Okay,what do paranoid ladies like?
Tails: Maybe the wild nature and jungle,this is going to be easy
With Knuckles
Knuckles: What are girls' favorite color.........ah,
Knuckles: -makes the batter- This isn't hard after all
Knuckles: Where is the procedure again? -he looks everywhere-
Knuckles: -lifts the bowl of cake mix and accidentley slips off his hands-
Knuckles: Who turned of the lights?
With Tails
Tails: -builds a lot of robotic animals and trees-
Tails: Sticks is going to love this
After setting all the robotic animals and trees,Tails went off to help Knuckles
Meanwhile with Sticks
Sticks: -wakes up- I hope my friends still remember today
With Sonic and Amy (inside the cage)
Sonic: So,her favorite color is gold?
Amy: Yeah,she even loves to walk at the jungle
Sonic: I'm sure she hates technology
Amy: Obvious much?
With Tails and Knuckles
Tails: Knuckles,what happend!
Knuckles: I can't see you!
Tails: -flies and removes the bowl of cake mix in Knuckles' head
Tails: Come on we better get going -leaves to where the party is-
Knuckles: But the cake!!!
Tails left to see the party decorations (the celebration is held near the cage of Sonic and Amy)
Sonic: Tails,I think Sticks' won't appreciate this?
Tails: Of course she will,after all,I built it
Amy: Tails,this is not all about you,its all about Sticks'
Tails: -sighs- I know
Knuckles: -follows Tails-
Tails: Knuckles we better get you cleaned up!
Tails cleaned Knuckes and got ready for the party
With Sticks
Sticks: -goes outside her house and smells the fresh air-
Sticks: Well I better check what my friends are doing
Sticks finally arrives to where the party is
Sticks: What is this place?
everyone except Sticks: SURPRISE!!!
All the robotic animals and trees lit up
Sticks: -made a confused look and twitched her right eye-
Tails: You like it?
Sticks: Uhh....its good
Tails: Wait till you see more -activates all robotic animals to move-
Sticks: -gulps-
Amy: Uh,oh
Sticks: -breaks all the robotic animals and trees-
Amy: I told you Tails
Sonic: And you did not listen buddy
Tails: Hehe
Sticks: -finishes breaking all the robotic animals and trees-
Sticks: -looks at everyone- Uhh....thanks for the party everyone,but I got exploring to do
everyone looks at her while she's leaving
Knuckles: Well.......that was awkward
(see you in the next chapter,bye)

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