You don't care...or do you?

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I'm broken but,you don't care. I love you but,you don't care. I uprooted my whole world for you, but you don't care. I would have moved mountains and crossed seas, but you don't care. You hurt me,but you don't care. And don't you dare say you do. If you did, it wouldn't be dealing with the hurt. If you did, you wouldn't come back when I'm just about over you. If you did, my worth would matter. If you did, you would stay. But that's just it isn't it? You don't. You don't care to see my happy. You don't care to see smile. You don't care to see my growth and my worth. Oh but you care? Okay I get it now. You care...for you. You not be alone when there's no one left to turn to. You care to get you fill and take what you want. And then you care to leave me again with my own broken heart. You care to look out for you. So you see maybe you do care...just not for me.

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