Forgetting You

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Eli gazed out of the train window after a heartfelt goodbye with her uncle. She watched the forest fly by as she tried to push away any thoughts of Lucius. She knew she was wasting her time thinking about him, as they were likely not to see each other again. She also wanted to focus on her schooling; she was eager to engage in Potions, her favourite subject despite its unfriendly teacher.

She was in her own world when Fred Weasley opened her compartment door. George, Ron, Ginny Weasley, Harry Potter and Hermione Granger all turned to look at him. 

"We're almost there," he announced as he sat beside his twin, George. 

Eli felt weird that all her friends graduated already. She had friends in other years, like Fred and George, however she wished she could have her original friends back. 

A little while later, the train slowed. Students disembarked and gathered in carriages that brought them to the school. Upon entering the castle, Eli felt immediately at home. The familiar walls and landscape felt like a warm hug to her and she was grateful to be back. 

Fred swung an arm around her as they approached the Great Hall. "You've missed a lot." 

"Have I?" Eli said, looking up at the enchanted ceiling that mimicked the night sky. The stars appeared bright tonight. 

"You missed the whole Triwizard Tournament," George said. 

"And Cedric's death," Fred finished. 

"I heard about what happened," Eli said, glancing at Harry Potter, who was the one to come back with the young boy's body. "It was all the Ministry talked about this summer." 

They sat at the long Gryffindor table. 

"I'm guessing Fudge is spreading more false news about what really happened," Hermione chimed in. "I'm sorry, Eli, I know he's your uncle, but-" 

"He's delusional," Eli interrupted. "He's in denial. It's as simple as that. I did my own research this summer and I don't think what my uncle does." 

"Regardless, being around him all the time must have some influence on you," Ron said. 

"I trust Dumbledore and I don't think Harry would lie," Eli announced. She hadn't been oblivious to the stares Harry had been getting since they walked into the train. 

Harry gave a small smile. "Thanks." 

Eli looked at the staffing table to find that there hadn't been many staffing changes. Dumbledore stood to address the school, starting his speech in regards to Cedric Diggory. 

The school was sombre, the energy shifted since Eli had last been here. She knew dark times were ahead of them and her heart grew heavy. She did believe Harry, however there was a time, right after Cedric's death, that she believed her uncle. After having met with Dumbledore and some of the other teachers over the summer to discuss her coming back, she saw their point of view and changed her mind. She couldn't see why Harry or Dumbledore would lie about something so serious. 

Dumbledore introduced the new Defence Against the Dark Arts teachers, which was Dolores Umbridge. She made a speech and even the teachers appeared annoyed by her. 

"She seems pleasant," George joked. 

"She's awful," Eli muttered. 

"You know her?" Hermione asked.

"I worked with her at the Ministry," Eli explained, watching the woman sit back down, a smile stitched across her face. "She's in love with the Minister or something. She's very... strict with the rules and very passive-aggressive. I tried to avoid her." 

"Why is she even here?" Fred asked. 

"Weren't you listening?" Hermione asked. "The Ministry is interfering at Hogwarts." 

"My uncle wants her to keep an eye on Dumbledore," Eli explained further. 

"Dumbledore?" Harry looked at Eli. 

Plates of food suddenly appeared on the tables and everyone began to eat. The conversation trailed off into Quidditch and Eli gazed up at Umbridge. The frog-looking lady was staring down at her, that permanent smile plastered on her lips. Eli averted her gaze back to the table. 

After the feast, students were stretching, looking pleasantly full and tired. People started to drift off to their dormitories. As Eli stood to follow Fred and George, she heard an infuriating cough from behind her. 

She turned to find Umbridge standing there.

"Can I help you, Miss - Professor Umbridge?" Eli asked. 

"Yes, you can. May I have a word?" Umbridge asked sweetly. 

Eli turned back to the twins who offered her a sad smile. They turned and left. 

"Walk with me," Umbridge ordered. 

They took off through a side door into an empty corridor and walked in an aimless direction. Eli was annoyed and just wanted to go to bed. 

"How has your first day been?" Umbridge asked. 

"Fine," Eli answered slowly, knowing Umbridge likely did not care about her first day. 

"That's terrific. Your uncle will be glad to hear." 

"I can tell my uncle myself," Eli offered. 

"Enough with the attitude, dear." Umbridge stopped walking and turned to face Eli. "I have a proposition." 

"What is it?" Eli asked, already knowing she'd say no. 

"Because we have worked together, I feel like we have... trust. A bond if you will," Umbridge said and Eli had to cough to keep herself from laughing. "How would you like to keep working together but as a secret?" 

"A secret?" Eli echoed. 

"Yes, a secret," Umbridge went on. "I need you to be my ears and eyes in this school. Be where I cannot; in the common room, in the classrooms. I need you to tell me whether your fellow students are breaking rules or whether there is any.. false rumours being spread." 

"You want me to tell on my friends?" Eli rephrased it. 

"Not just your friends. Everybody. Friends, peers, teachers-" 

"You mean Dumbledore," Eli stated. 

"I mean everybody," Umbridge corrected her. "I am not singling out anybody." 

"I can't do that, Professor," Eli said. "I'll be hated." 

"Is your reputation really more important than doing what's right?" 

"I'm sorry, but this isn't what's right, and if you think it is, then you need to get your priorities checked." 

"Excuse me?" Umbridge asked, puffing out her chest. "You will not speak to me that way, young lady!" 

"Professor Umbridge," Snape said, suddenly turning a corner. His eyes appeared surprised at finding them there. "Miss Winsor." 

"Hi, Professor Snape," Eli greeted him, glad for the interruption. 

"It's getting late," Snape said. "I'm sure you're growing tired, Miss Winsor. Perhaps you should get to your dormitory." 

"We were speaking, Professor Snape," Umbridge said angrily. "Now, if you don't mind-"

"I do mind," Snape said. "You are keeping a student from rest before the first day of classes. I am aware that she has my 7th year double potions in the morning and I expect her to be fully focused and awake. Miss Winsor, please go find your common room and get some rest." 

"Thank you," Eli said before hurrying away.

She wasn't sure if Snape was aware that he saved her, but she never felt so grateful toward the potion's professor. 

Until You Say Goodbye || Lucius Malfoy ||Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora