Joining You

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Eli walked beside Claire down the path to Hogsmeade. It was Valentine's day and students were given permission to visit the small village. Fred and George trailed behind them. 

"I'm going to meet Dominique," Claire was saying. "He wants to meet in some pub. I'm not sure if he's aware I can't legally drink." Claire turned to look at Eli. "What are you going to do while I'm gone?" 

"Claire, I don't need a babysitter," Eli said. "I'll just shop around." 

Claire bit her lip nervously. 

"I'll be fine," Eli reassured her. 

"Why don't you find Jeremy and get coffee or something?" Claire asked. 

"I'm not interested in Jeremy," Eli said, her hand finding her necklace, playing with the pendant. "Besides, I'm sort of in a relationship. Even if I haven't seen him in over a month." 

"Eli, you can't be in a relationship with someone who's married," Claire said. "He's not faithful to you, you don't have to be to him." 

Eli let her hand drop, tired of this conversation. She quickened her pace, wanting to get out of the cold. 

When they got to the village, Claire waved goodbye to Eli and the twins. 

Fred wrapped an arm around Eli's shoulders. "Want to join us?" 

"Where?" Eli asked, narrowing her eyes at the freckled boy. 

"It's a surprise," George said from her other side. 

"No thanks," she said. 

"Suit yourself," Fred said. 

The twins walked away, talking excitedly. 

Eli looked at the crowded street, thinking about where she wanted to go first. She was eager to have some time to herself. She watched all the couples walking hand-in-hand and frowned. She took a step, trying to ignore her feeling of emptiness, when she was suddenly grabbed around her arm. 

Someone pulled her roughly into an extremely small alleyway. She went to yell but a hand clamped down on her mouth, muffling her screams. Another hand held her in place. 

She was suddenly face to face with Lucius. The alleyway was tight and their bodies were almost touching. His hand slipped from her mouth.

"What the fuck!" she exclaimed, hitting his arm. "You almost gave me a fucking heart attack, Lucius!" 

"I'm sorry, love," he said. "I just needed to see you. Don't be upset." 

She hit his arm again. "You literally disappeared for over a month, Lucius! What the actual fuck was that about?" 

"I know you must be angry, love," Lucius said. 

Eli hit him again. "Do not call me that." She went to hit his arm one more time, but Lucius caught her wrists, holding on tightly. 

"I didn't avoid you on purpose," Lucius went on. "I desperately wanted to see you, to touch you, to taste you." 

"You could have sent a letter, given a message to Snape, the possibilities are endless!" 

"I'm sorry, love."

"You can't just do that to a person!" Eli said angrily. She was absolutely furious and seeing him here, hiding, made her even angrier. "I had no idea what had happened! You left me completely in the dark!" 

"I understand you're upset, but don't forget, I also didn't get to see you. We are in this together." 

"We are not!" Eli shot back. "You willingly avoided me without any context! Do you know how difficult that was?" 

"I do," he said sternly. "Believe me." 

Eli looked into his eyes: they were fierce, bold and angry. "You can let me go," she muttered. 

"I don't want to," he admitted. 

"What happened Lucius?" she asked, suddenly feeling drained. His mouth went tight and when he didn't answer, Eli guessed. "Was it Narcissa? Did she keep you from me?" 

"My wife had nothing to do with this," Lucius said defensively. "I've dealt with that." 

"Then why? Why did you disappear without a trace?" Eli asked. 

"I can't tell you, love." 

Eli looked at him in disbelief as he let go of her wrists. "Fuck that! Tell me." 

"Can't we just enjoy this moment we have together?" Lucius asked, fiddling with her hair. His hand coiled around her waist, holding her close. 

"Just so you can disappear for another month? No." Eli pushed on his chest, trying to keep him away. 

"You're breaking my heart," Lucius said sadly. 

"If that broke your heart, I can't even begin to imagine what shape my heart is in," she said. 

"Love," Lucius whispered. "Eliza." Her name sounded so sweet coming from his lips. 

She looked toward the busy street, watching the people walking by. "I'm in danger, aren't I?" she said barely above a whisper. 

"I never wanted to put you in this situation," Lucius said. 

"But I am," she said without looking at him. 

Lucius grabbed her face gently, pulling it forward, forcing her to look at him. He kissed her, gently at first, but it quickly turned into something more passionate, a yearning for one another. 

Eli broke from the embrace. "Lucius," she said in a hushed voice. "What do I do?" 

Lucius examined her face, eyes lingering on her lips. "Join me." 

Eli tried to pull further back from him but his grip on her waist was strong. "Join you? What do you mean?" 

Lucius swallowed before speaking. "Become a follower." 

Eli's jaw went tight as she stared at Lucius. "You're asking me to become a Death Eater." 

Lucius didn't answer because it wasn't a question. 

Eli leaned against the wall, her mind spiralling. 

"You would be useful," Lucius was saying. "You have connections. This way, we could be together." 

"We can't ever be together, not truly," Eli said. "Narcissa-"

Lucius's thumb went to rest on her bottom lip, causing Eli to stop talking. "Don't say her name." 

Eli waited for his thumb to drop. "Why does he want to kill me?" 

Lucius looked at Eli, peered into her eyes, before answering. "He seems to think you're a distraction to me." 

Eli bit her lip, considering this. "Am I?" 

"Not all distractions are bad," Lucius said, his face serious. 

Eli reached forward, touching his worried brow, his prickly cheeks. She wanted to soothe him. He seemed stressed and tired. "Have you been sleeping much?" 

Her hand rested on his cheek and he covered it with his hand. "It is unbearably kind of you to worry about me when your life is in danger." 

Eli observed Lucius for a moment, before dropping to her knees. She stroked his erection through his pants a couple of times before freeing it. She covered it instantly with her mouth, sucking and licking as he moaned. His hand grasped her hair, forcing her to take in more of him. After awhile, he finished in her mouth and she licked him clean.

Eli stood back up and he kissed her hard. 

"I've missed you," he said against her lips. He tilted his head back to look at her better. "You'll think about what I've said, won't you?" 

Eli leaned her forehead against is and closed her eyes. "Yes." 

She felt him apparate, but continued to stand in the alleyway for a long time. 

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