9. Ice Cream

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"Lou, Hawwy hungwy," Louis smiled at him, he hasn't been in his little space for almost a week, which surprised Louis a bit. "Do you want a grilled cheese?" Harry nodded his head fast, making the older chuckle and kiss his forehead. "Come on, sunflower, let go to the kitchen," he said as he stood off of the couch, Harry stood up and grabbed Louis' hand, which the blue-eyed man just adored.

Louis picked him up and sat the boy on the counter, "Stay here while I make you a grilled cheese, alright?" Harry nodded, and the older kissed his forehead.


"Okay, let's eat our food," Harry nodded and jumped off of the counter, his feet slipped on the tile because of his socks and he fell on his bum. He let out a whimper, "Are you alright, sunflower?" he asked as he put the food on the counter and kneeled in front of him. "That hurt," he whimpered, Louis kissed his forehead, "I'm sorry you got hurt, baby, how about after dinner, we have some ice cream and watch Nemo? Will that make you feel better?" 

Harry nodded, and hugged Louis, he hugged the younger back and kissed his temple. Louis helped the boy up to his feet before grabbing the two plates and carrying them to the table.


 "Sunflower, here's your ice cream," Harry took the bowl with a smile, "Fank you," Louis sat down next to him and turn on the movie that he promised. the younger took a bite of his ice cream and smiled, "Yummy!" he slightly shouted after swallowing the bite.


"Love are you ready to go to bed?" the younger nodded, "Sleepy," Louis stood up and picked the boy up bridal style before carrying him to the bedroom. He laid the boy down on the bed and climbed in next to him, Harry immediately curled up into his chest as he buried his face into the crook of Louis' neck. "Goodnight, sunflower," Harry smiled as he fluttered his eyes closed, "Night, night,"


Harry shot up in the bed with heavy breaths, his body trembling and tears streaming down his face. Louis woke up to the movement and looked at him, "Love, what's wrong?" Harry took in a staggered breath, "N-Nightmare," 

Louis pulled him back down and pulled him close to his chest, "I've got you, you're okay, I promise," Harry sniffled and whimpered quietly. The older cradled his cheek, bringing his face closer before connecting their lips, "You're alright, love, they can't hurt you anymore," he murmured against the younger's lips.

The blue-eyed man rubbed his hand up and down the boy's back, "You're alright, baby," Harry moved impossibly closer to Louis, holding him close. Louis wiped the younger's tears with the pad of his thumb, "I've got you, I promise," he whispered. 

After about ten more minutes, Harry was almost completely calm, Louis continued to rub his back and whisper sweet nothings into his ear until the boy fell back asleep. The older kissed his forehead before closing his eyes and quickly falling back asleep.


Word Count: 510

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