23. Toys

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Harry woke up the next day to the sound of purring and quiet meows, he looked to his right to find a kitten "where did you come from?" he murmured to the kitten. He gently shook Louis awake with a confused look, "Good morning, Haz," the boy smiled, "Good morning, Lou... Why is there a kitten on the bed next to me?" Louis smiled softly, "I got him for you yesterday as a surprise, when I gave her to you, you were in your little space, I guess you didn't remember," Harry gave him a soft nod.

"Oh, I like her, she's cute," he smiled, "Do you remember what you named her?" Harry shook his head, "You named her smores, you told me you named her that because she looks like a smore," the green-eyed boy giggled, "She does look like a smore," 

Louis smiled at him and pulled him down by his chin before pecking his lips, "How are you feeling love?" Harry smiled and cuddled back into Louis. "Good, I feel a lot better," Louis kissed his nose, "Good, do you wanna go buy Smores some toys and stuff?" Harry nodded with a dimpled smile.


Once they were at Pet Smart, Louis grabbed a cart, and Harry smiled and giggled as they walked to the cat section. "Lou, Smores need pway tower," Louis smiled at him, "Alright sunflower, which one should we get?" Harry clapped his hands with a little squeal, "Dis one!" he pointed to a medium-sized cat tree that had pink flowers as sitting spots. 

"That's a good choice, love," the boy giggled again, and Louis placed the box into the cart, "Okay, let's go get her some toys, you can pick whatever toys you want, and then we have to get her some more food and a bigger litterbox," Harry nodded and started skipping toward the next aisle. "Sunflower, wait for me, love," Harry stopped and turned around with his head down, "Sowwy, Lou, Hawwy bad?" the older shook his head, "No, love, of course not, I just don't want you to get lost, okay?" the green-eyed boy nodded with a small smile, "Otay,"

They both walked to the next aisle, which was the toy aisle, "Okay, go ahead, look and pick out which toys you want to get for Smores," Harry squealed and started walking up and down the aisle looking and grabbing toys that he thought Smores would like.


When they got home, Harry looked around the house to find Smores so he could show his kitten all of the toys they got for her, while Louis was building the cat tree. After a few minutes of looking Harry found the kitten on one of the dinning room chairs, "Found you!" he giggled as he carefully picked Smores up. 

He walked back into the living room where Louis was sitting on the floor, already halfway done with the cat tree. The green-eyed boy sat down next to the older and grabbed one of the cat toys, it had a stick for him to hold onto and on one end it had a few feathers attached to it. He started playing with her, and she almost imedatly started trying to get it, making Harry giggle.

Louis looked at him with a fond smile, "Are you having fun?" the younger nodded, "Yeah, Smores wikes to pway wif fweathers," Louis kissed his forehead, "Well the cat tower is almost done and then we can see if she like it too," Harry nodded with a smile, "Otay!"

After about five more minutes Louis finished the cat tower, "Sunflower, do you wanna see if Smores likes her cat tower?" Harry squealed and nodded his head. Louis picked the kitten up and placed her on top of one of the pink flowers, Smores did a circle before laying down.

"Yay, Smores wikes tower," he giggled, Louis kissed his forehead, "Yeah she does... Sunflower do you want to help me get her some food and water?" Harry nodded with another giggle before skipping his way into the kitchen behind Louis to help him with the cat food and water. 


Word Count: 685

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