Chapter 1: The Fathers

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First Person POV:

"Thanks for the toast, dad." I took a piece of butter toast from the platter and thrust it into my mouth, savoring every buttery flavor there is. "You're welcome, dear." There was a hint of warmth and tenderness in his smile, a smile that'll brighten up someone's day like the scorching sun. I sat on the swivel stool chair--rotating it around before going back to eat.

"There had been weird sightings all over the newspapers about some sort of a comet that crashed landed here somewhere in Arcadia." 

My other dad said so to himself while gazing at the newspaper skeptically. I paused with my hand midway toward the second piece of the toast. That wasn't anything new to me, but still... "It's just..." My father rubbed his eyes wearily. "It's just something so incredibly out there, it does feel like the universe is conspiring against us or something..." He looked so tired. 

I knew what he meant though; the news reports didn't mention anything too outlandish or unbelievable. The story only had two elements: one was strange, and the other was unexplainable. A comet crashed into our town. No details whatsoever. 

"Rowan, honey, you're too tired. You should take a rest." My dad reassured concernedly, my father rose to his feet as he walked toward the kitchen to fetch himself another cup of coffee. "I'll be fine, don't worry, you should focus more on taking care of yourself and Y/N." He pours the coffee from the coffee maker into his mug and takes a sip. 

"Besides, when's the last time you go to bed?" His brows knit together worriedly. Oh yes, I remember dad asking me the same thing earlier this morning. "Mi amor, like I said--I'll be fine." He assured him. "Don't stay up late studying how the universe collides. You need to rest!"

Rowan and Wyatt Huxley are my two awesome dads. They're the people that I needed the most and after all, I'm lucky to have two of them. Both have jobs that'll keep the family balanced: Rowan works as an astrophysicist and Wyatt is a dentist. So yes, maybe I feel left alone in the house, but I always find a solution that'll cure my boredom. And it seems, whenever they both get home at the same time, it's always nice to see each other.

Wyatt would kiss the top of my head and smile warmly at me while Rowan would tell me stories about his work--which I find it fascinating the most. It made him look older and wiser than he is, but who cares? My dad would kill me if I said that Rowan looked old and grumpy!

Just then I returned to my reality, I could already see papa give a small kiss on my dad's cheeks as he grabbed his coat and bag on the way. I dropped the toast from my hand and jumped out from my seat and rushed toward him, "Hey Papa, wait up!" 

Luckily he hadn't left the house completely as he turned away and hummed in response, I gulped the lump in my throat as I clutch the fabric of my clothing. "A few months ago, I saw a poster of a school that wasn't far from here, and I've been thinking a lot lately that if I could... you know, enroll at Arcadia Oaks High?..." I answered tentatively with a sheepish grin. 

His reaction isn't what I anticipated as he blinked a few times already, and I can imagine he was surprised by my sudden question. "Arcadia Oaks High? Why would you want to go there? Isn't that school very different?" He raised a single eyebrow, looking curious but also confused. I bit my lip.

"Well, I just think that maybe, with a fresh start, it might help ease some stress and let me grow better so that I won't fall behind." I shrugged my shoulders and gave him a weak smile, he sighed and ran a hand through his hair before pinching the bridge of his nose. "I know you mean well. But, Wyatt and I would prefer you to not attend there." He spoke firmly, almost oppressively, which caused my heart to plummet.

"But papa! I've been stuck homeschooling for the rest of my life, don't you think that this"--I pulled out the poster and presented it to him--"is the best opportunity for me to live a normal high school life like other teenagers do?"

Silence approached between us, my eyes shifted to the poster as his face remained emotionless. I felt culpable for bringing up my parents and the topic we had been circumventing. After all, I never brought it up again. When they found out I wanted to attend school elsewhere, it was obvious they show an expression of revelation. At long last, he finally gave a long heaving sigh.

"I guess your dad and I could figure something out with this school." 

My eyes widened as my mouth grew wider into a huge massive grin, "Yes!" I fist-bumped the air in victory. "Now would you excuse me, I'm late for work. I'll see you before dinner." 

"Okay, bye dad!" 

I waved my hands as I close the door shut after he left, I leaned my back against the door as I smiled to myself. 

"Arcadia Oaks High, here I come."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2022 ⏰

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