Davina -

I had enough of my family, I was able to put everything on littlefinger himself so no one can think it was me. Now here I am thinking about what else I can do. I am still speaking to Edrick Stark of our hidden raven letters, telling him everything about the movies of Tywin Lannister.

Thinking about the next steps I could do to better myself but else I think about my sisters. I only like a few out of them but not all. I need the others to be on my side and away from our mother. So right now I am leaving the red keep and leaving king's landing. As I was able to leave king's landing without anyone knowing me. I was able to get to the tower of joy that is in Dorne where I was able to get to Mycrella, to get her on my side. Hopefully.

It took a while but I was able to get to Martell where I was greeted by Prince Doran Martell along with his house. When my eyes connected with my younger sister, we embraced each other.

" Can we talk in private?" I asked Mycrella hoping that she will agree

" Of course." Mycrella said, taking my hand as we walked around the stunning palace that Dorne has. I start with my conversation that I thought about in my head before getting to Dorne so I can speak it to my sister.

" It is true, our father is not our true father. We are bastards. Mother knew what she was doing, our mother is not a good person."

Mycrella gets up to think to herself about the information I am saying to her.

" Our mother has always been there for us she-"

I cut her off getting up to her face trying to make her understand that our mother is not the best person of the seven kingdoms, that she does not care for anyone but herself, that she had the chance to kill anyone that she dislikes, that she only cares for power.

" How do you feel now that you are married? That you have your life, not having a mother over your shoulder? That you can make your own decisions to matters that you have? Myrcella, you are the princess of Dorne now. A mother to be to a new dynasty of the Dornish. I know that you have your own mind at the start. Ever more now that you are away from our mother."

Mycrella nodded her head at my words, I do think I was able to make her understand how things work and how our mother is as a person.

" I trust you, Davina. I am with you. What do you have in mind?" Mycrella said

This is where I told only half of the truth to Mycrella because I was not too sure if she would tell our mother anything after this conversation. So I needed to make sure nothing important came out. I needed to be sure for me to trust her. If I do, I will have Dorne on my side and I will be able to help Edrick Stark from this war.

Staying for a while in Dorne I knew it was time for me to go back to King's landing, back to the place I hate the most. After this war is over I was thinking that I would go to Pentos or Essos away from this all.

When entering inside the red keep the queen, Amelia comes right in my face asking where I have been, and who I was with. I gave her a hollow threat, making her shut her mouth. Going to my apartments inside the red keep, trying to control my thoughts on how things are going in motion all because of me.


In the north Edrick was in his office thinking about his next steps against the Lannisters. Margaery came inside the room. She kissed Edrick on the cheek.

" How are things going?"

" As much as it is going, my love. Things are being planned for the next few attacks for the lannisters."

" That is good, let me know in anyway I can help."

" I will."

Margaery took a pause before speaking again to Edrick. She needed to say what she had on her mind.

" Edrick, after this war. What will happen next?"

Edrick looked up at his wife.

" Well, after the war things will be better when the Lannisters are all gone. We will rule in the north." Edrick said sitting on the desk.

" That is good but what if we think about something else. Something for the future."

" What do you have in mind?"

Margaery stepped closer to Edrick wrapping her arms around his neck kissing his lips.

" After the war, when the Lannisters are gone. We should take the iron throne. Place one of your brothers as the king of the north as we take king's landing."

Edrick said nothing, he just looked at his wife. 

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