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Okay, saur I will address Mr. Hwang and Ms. Hwang as Hyunjin and Yeji because even I got confused on reading this💀

Jake and Heeseung or the other students still call them Mr. or Ms. Hwang though!

So... yeah! New chapter!
Enjoy! <3

And thanks so much for 8k reads! TT


-'The teacher who brags his handsomeness everyday?

Heeseung and Jake are on their way to the teacher's office when Mr. Hwang' a teacher from their school suddenly called Jake.

Once they both arrived at the door of the office, they heard faint voices from the room. It sounded like people are arguing inside.

Heeseung held the doorknob and slowly opened the door, revealing Ms. Hwang talking with a blonde guy with a ponytail hairstyle.

"Why did you call him?! He will just go here for nothing!" Ms. Hwang huffed as she let her hand through her hair.

"But I miss him so much!" The blonde-haired male whined with a pout making the female teacher in front of him roll her eyes.

"You're such a dummy Hyunjin-ah. It's only been three weeks since you last interacted with Jake before!" Ms. Hwang who's mainly named Yeji replied, annoyed with her brother's doing.

"But Yeji-ah it's still too long for me!" the blonde-haired male who's named Hyunjin' still whined.

"And besides, my break with a special someone already finished, so that's why I came back here!" he added.

Yeji was about to answer back until she saw Jake and Heeseung waiting at the door.

"A-Ah hi." Heeseung greeted with a bow along with a tiny smile, Yeji then smiled at both Jake and Heeseung back.

After that, she signaled the two males to come inside the room.

"Well speaking of Jake he's here." Yeji notified as it immediately caught Hyunjin's attention because of the really familiar name.

He then turned his head around seeing Jake and Heeseung slowly came inside the room.

"Jakey-ah~" he sang and immediately approached the younger engulfing him in a big hug as the sudden action caught Jake off guard.

"Mr. Hwang" Jake smiled while hugging the male teacher back. After a minute has passed, they broke the hug and all of them sat down on the couch comfortably.

"I missed you so much. Did you study well when I was gone for a bit?" Hyunjin asked before ruffling the younger's hair gently.

And of course, it didn't stop Heeseung to become a little jelly about it.

But Hyunjin himself treats Jake like a little brother, although there are no signs of favoritism since he would mark and treat students equally and fairly.

All the students in the school never found Jake's interaction with the male teacher cringe, instead, they all find it really adorable.

"Yes I do! And I missed you as well, it's been three weeks, yeah?" Jake answered back with a chuckle, making the male teacher beside him coo because of his adorableness.

Yeji chuckled as well, but she felt a little guilty because Jake and Heeseung wasted their time just to come here.

"I'm sorry about him Jake. He's a little bit of a drama king about stuff like this..." she told Jake with an apologetic smile, although it was particularly her brother's fault.

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