The Beginning..

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"Corahn, Just give me a chance!" "A chance? A chance for what Avianna? I've gave you millions of chances and all you do is mess up..If you continue to do this; I'm, I'm...I'm gonna have to leave you..! All you do is put stress on me I'm tired of your bullshit!" "I'm sorry." "Yeah? well being sorry isn't gonna save our relationship!" 

He walked out on me and just left me there shocked & confused as ever, I mean; what did I do? All i've ever done was try to be the best girlfriend I could..But I guess he's right..I'm NOT good enough..This is it? No, It can't be..Im in love with him..I could NEVER love another guy as much as I loved him..He's my Everything...My First Love. Oh..Who Is He? His names Corahn...Corahn Lockridge to be exact. I smile when I correct myself because that's how he first approached me..

It was the first of July, My brother Rayan and I were walking around a Carnival on a Beach. This was my favorite holiday I just loved seeing fireworks, Rayan & I walked back to our spot on the beach where the rest of my friends were. "Avianna! What took you so long girl? You done missed the pre-show!" said my best friend; Taliyah. "Aweee, It's all Rayan's fault! He was too busy checking out girls rather than getting the drinks; I told him to get!" "Heyyy, That's not my fault Ima' guy..What am I suppose to do?" Rayan said while popping his collar. "Okay, Wanna-Be player!" Replied My other best friend Breanna. "Eyeing me like a nigga don't exsist? Girl, you know you want this dick!" Everyone laughs at Rayan's stupid response. Damn, he could be so dang foolish sometimes..But hey..He is my brother! "Ahhh, look! My Chilli Dog is cold..Avianna; would you be a sweetheart and go get me another one?" "Ugh, fine!" I got back up & went to line up so that I could order another Chili Dog. I waited patiently wishing this damn line could hurry up so that I could go back to my seats before the Fireworks began. I was just there in my thoughts when somebody rudely bumped into me. "Ughh!" "Oh my gosh, Sorry little lady; here let me dust you off.." I moved my hand. "Ugh, No Need.." I haven't even seen this persons face but his voice sounded beautiful alone. I finally looked up to be face to face with him. "Oh, Im so very sorry...I was in a rush I didn't mean to push you down." "Yeah, It's alright" I replied. And then I saw him..His beautiful slim & smooth face..His eyes; were like little granny smith apples & they seemed like they were staring threw my eyes and right into my soul. I snapped out of my gaze only to realize he was still there holding his hand out; I looked away in embarrassment. "Hey beautiful, whats your name? My name is Corahn ... Corahn Lockridge to be exact." "My names Avianna .. Avianna Evans to be exact." I smiled while mocking him. He smiled also; "Well, it's a pleasure to meet you.I hope to see you around again." "Uhm, Same here.." "Enjoy your night Avianna Evans." He put an emphasis while he said my name, and I smiled. "Thank you, Corahn." I watched him while he walked away, I know that sounds kinda creepy..But the way he walked was so different. He walked so confidently & proudly as If the whole worlds eyes were laid on his every move. I was amazed in a way, & then the woman at the cashier snapped me out of my gaze; Damn, I day dream a lot. "Ma'am? Next in line?" "Yes Can I get one Chili dog please? "One chili dog coming right up!" 

From that day on I knew I just had to see him again, I mean if you saw the way he looked..Those light green eyes, his light hazel colored skin, & curly short brown was like heaven on earth. I love Corahn more than anything; and we've been together for 8 moths now..Nothing can come between us, and I feel like it's my job to keep it that way..

No, I'm not obsessed; I'm in love... Dangerously in love.. Before I close my eyes & reminisce about all the times me and Corahn shared..I pull out my Diary & write a letter to him..

Dear Corahn,

"Baby I love you. You are my life. My happiest moments weren't complete, If you weren't by my side. You're my relation, In connection to the sun. With you next to me, There's no darkness I can't overcome. You are my raindrop, I am the sea. With you and God, who's my sunlight; I bloom and grow so beautifully. Baby, I'm so proud. So proud to be your girl. You make the confusion, Go all away. From this cold and messed up world. I am in love with you, You set me free. I can't do this thing, Called life without you here with me. Cause I'm Dangerously In Love with you, I'll never leave. Just keep lovin' me, The way I love you loving me. And I know you love me, Love me for who I am. Cause years before I became who I am, Baby you were my man. I know it ain't easy, Easy loving me; I appreciate the love and dedication, From you to me. Later on in my destiny; I see myself having your child, I see myself being your wife, And I see my whole future in your eyes. Thought of all my love for you, sometimes make me wanna cry. Realize all my blessings, I'm grateful, To have you by my side. Every time I see your face, My heart smiles. Every time it feels so good, It hurts sometimes. Created in this world; To love and to hold, To feel, To breathe,To love you, Dangerously in love, I'm in love with you, I cannot do anything without you in my life, Holding me, kissing me, loving me. I love you, Dangerously in love."

Avianna Evans.


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