Lulls of Lavender

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An hour later and my aching body unfurled itself. I had wrapped so tightly into a ball when I'd passed out that I'd become stiff, bones popped when moved as if to confirm this. My head felt woozy and a wave of fresh nausea splashed around my stomach like the uncontrolled ocean I'd witnessed earlier. My hand instantly went to my mouth to protect the floor from whatever I may bring up as I manoeuvred myself onto my knees.
Ringing, I heard the same ringing in my ears. The high pitch white noise that reverberated my ear drums so hard I could feel a harsh migraine begin to fester.
I felt sick.
I was going to be,
Too late.
The uneasiness of my stomach followed up the back of my throat into my mouth and out over my hand until it spilled onto the floor, quicker than I could say 'oh no', the rush of it had caused my stomach acid to follow in pursuit and burn the back of my throat. The rawness it left caused a few surprised coughs.
Well, my stomach now felt better but the smell of the fresh vomit wasn't going to let me feel that way for long.
I hurried to my feet to grab a towel from the shelves next door, made quick work cleaning up the new mess and hurried into the bathroom. The movement didn't do well for me but the coolness of the tile floor helped to relieve the building sweat that accumulated on my brow.

Lavender freshly picked, swung in small tied bunches from the shower curtain over the bath filling the room with its fragrance. My bodysoon started to relax and felt grateful for the comfort it offered.
She's picked it from the fields again.
My hand leaned against the back of the bathroom door holding it shut. The white shining under the lights bright luminescence.
The lights had every surface in this small bathroom reflecting my distant looking face back at me. The sunken green eyes looking like they hadn't slept for days, which wasn't entirely inaccurate.

Reaching for the tap I started to run my bath. I wasn't really sure why a bath didn't scare me considering what I'd been through. According to a nurse I'd spoken to at the time, she said she thought I'd have developed a fear of water by now. I never did.
Bravery or stupidity maybe?
Hot tendrils of steam rose from the waters surface minutes later. The calming ripples ever so inviting.
I dared a toe in.
Skin reddened around the area and chills ran up my spin but I didn't care. I let my whole body fall into that hot bath clothes too until I was sat and almost fully submerged. My chin resting on my knees as I hummed the same melody that haunted me.

Two hours, two long hours had passed and yet I stayed comatose in that bath for the entirety of it. I'd submerged my face fully under at some point and just slept. If it wasn't for my mother rattling me about and flinging me out of the bath I probably wouldn't have known what was happening.

"IZUKU, breath oh goodness boy please breathe!"

Her hoarse voice begged. Fear rolling down her face in sweat drops or maybe they were tears. She shook again until I woke up. I spluttered and coughed as if I suddenly remembered I had to breathe and fill my lungs with oxygen.


I brought up so much water I didn't think I'd stop. That didn't stop her hammering my back with her palm for good measures though.
So much water.
Was there any left in the bath?

"What the hell do you think you're doing? Oh Izuku I didn't think you felt that bad to try and.."

I looked up through my dark green moped hair at her. Realisation at what this looked like to her struck me like a sharp lightening bolt.
I wonder if I reminded her of dad?
I wept at the sorrow and panic I'd brought her.
She saw this as confirmation to her thoughts and held me so close I almost couldn't breathe.

"We're going to the hospital, now!"

It didn't take her long to dry me up and help me change my clothes. My previous hypnotic like state meant I was still not in a lot of control over my body so didn't fight but I did stay unusually quiet. The words I'd looked for had failed to reveal themselves to me.

The drive wasn't long, just over a quarter of an hour at most. We drove past the previous wall I'd stood against yesterday and my hypnotic state snapped just as my eyes met the horizon. The repetitive humming of the engine almost became non existent over the sound of the lullaby. My eyes lazily scanned the waters again, my body moving closer to the window as if being drawn once more.
The waters were calm, the gentle flow of the waves like a steady beat of the oceans heart. Until it wasn't. 
A dark figure, there was the upper torso of a dark figure far off in the distance staring right back at me.
I squinted trying to work out the details but they were too far for me to see whilst we continued driving. Then as if I'd just imagined it, they disappeared. Whether the dark depths had sucked them below or whether water had finally turned me crazy I couldn't tell.


Tails, Tunes, and Untouched Territories. Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang