Dehydrated Darkness

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Humming, a low melody that one would have to strain to tune in to. Tapping, shoes on the laminated flooring skittishly pacing. Ringing, high pitched machine monitors bleeping a constant three beep tune. Whir's of wind howling outside the glass windows. Chatter from medical professionals and families. The rooms and corridors echoed with all different sounds not even my hands blocking my ears could keep them out. My eyes strained shut, try as I may to cancel as many sensory inhibitors as possible.
Hospitals were supposed to be used when you're sick or needing help. A centre to heal those broken.
Was I sick? Was I broken?

"Izuku! My sweet boy it's going to be okay."

My mothers soft voice cooed whilst her one arm remained over my shoulder, pulling me in close to her. Like a meerkat, her head swivelled at every sound hoping for any bit of news. We'd been waiting in the waiting room for over an hour to be seen. The room was unfamiliar to me. The smell strong with bleach or another cleaning solvent suffocated my nose. My nostrils stung with the strong unnatural smell, causing me to sneeze as a reaction. Everything was too much here. Confusion clouded my mind- my vision - until either that or the smell had caused my eyes to water.
The building had no life or comfort to it. It was a business, a bright but surprisingly lifeless business that was forever busy. The moonlight had started to fade behind some clouds and more lights within the hospital started flickering to life.
The world had begun to turn off for the night, to settle and sleep ready for the next new day. And yet here we were in this building refusing to sleep, fighting the darkness by being too stubborn to succumb to it.

With everything that had happened tonight I didn't think it was possible to continue to be this overwhelmed but yet here I was being proved wrong again.

"Water, could I.. have some water please?"

"Oh yes yes, of course here."

My hand shook as I held it out, my body was weak barely able to hold its self up. I didn't understand why. My mother noticed this and guiding the plastic white cup of water into my hand and then my hand to my mouth as I sipped.
It was cold. But soothing. I felt it dribble down my throat refreshing me.
As I pulled it back I peered into it. The water was transparent. It sloshed around from my movement. The way the water moved reminded me of the sea from the drive in and yet again I found myself being pulled into it. I studied the drink. Looking for any answer why I had become so fixated on it.
It was surely just a cup of water right?
My eyes started to glaze over, and I could have sworn I saw a face or maybe just the outline of one looking back at me.

It looked like the one from earlier.

The one in the ocean.

My eyes widened before I furiously rubbed at them. I was clearly very dehydrated or tired and that's why I was now seeing things.

A ward sister walked in and started talking to us. I watched as her lips moved, but I couldn't hear what she was saying.
I strained.
I looked at my mum, she was answering back with no apparent issue. Relief now easing the concern from her cheeks.
She finally turned to me.
She held out her hand for me to shake.
Again I weakly extended my hand to reciprocate, placing my own in hers. The skin was cold and calloused they aged her more than her eyes. My gaze lifted from her hand to her face once more to see what I was shaking for.
She only lifted hers to firmly shake mine once before turning and walking away humming a tune.
It was the same tune!

Oh I finally heard that with no problem.
My eyes followed her out a million questions flooding through me hoping that my eyes would pick up on any answer.

"Well wasn't that good news."

"They believe it's dehydration Izuku. Can you believe it? The moment we get you home we are going to get you settled on the sofa. I'm going to do my job as your mother! I'll pump those fluids into you."

Her fist closed and was shot into the air. Determination in her own typical way sung from her words.
I gave my crocked smile and rolled my eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2023 ⏰

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