Beach Day • Boyfriend!Kokichi x Insecure!Reader

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Small thing: you're also shorter than Kokichi in this story :)

"Heyyyyy! Wake up sleepyhead~! We're here!"

You slowly opened your eyes, to see Kokichi sat on top of you, shaking you awake. You then looked around, still half-asleep, to see everyone staring at you both. It was a school trip, once again to Jabberwock Island - except this time, not in the virtual world. It was only for a couple days, so the school decided to actually let the trip go ahead, with Usami (and let's be honest, Monokuma) in charge. Kokichi got off of you, smiling at you all the while, and everyone just looking and a few laughing.

"Alright, everyone! We're at the beach - what does everyone want to do first?"

Usami looked to the group for suggestions: it was fairly obvious what happened next.

"Miss Sonia! I heard you talking about taking a dive in the ocean - still up for it?"

"Swimming?! I.. I don't think that's a good idea.."

Of course nobody listened to Nagito's anxious mumbling. Everyone immediately rushed to their cottages to get changed, presumably into bathing suits, leaving you and Kokichi trailing behind. The idea of wearing a swimsuit in front of everyone was mortifying to you, having to show off that much skin: even as you were outside in the burning hot sun, you were wearing a huge hoodie and baggy jeans. You were in your head about it, when Kokichi reached out to hold you hand, squeezing it in reassurance.

"Y'know, you don't *have* to wear a swimsuit.. Nobody's going to force you, o-kayy~? I mean, Teruteru might have something to say about it, but I'm sure Tenko would floor him if he says anything. That's if I don't do it first, that is."

Even when you were overthinking, he knew how to make you laugh: you wouldn't put punching Teruteru past him, though. Even though he had a childlike stature, Kokichi was pretty strong. You held onto his hand, still hyperventilating over the idea of wearing a swimsuit.

"Oh, wait - I just remembered! I got something for you, my love. Usami said the suitcases were already in the cottages, right? Come on!"

He then sped up, still holding onto your hand, racing towards his cottage. It was a bit difficult to keep up with him, and you wouldn't have been able to if he'd not held on. He practically threw you into the cottage, before reaching into the suitcase.

"Don't ruin the surprise! Turn around!"

You did as he asked: you turned around, a little scared of what he'd gotten you. Often, his surprises were more pranks than gifts - you'd gotten used to it. You heard the zip of his suitcase, and the rustling of plastic.

"Alright! You can turn around now, my love! I figured that if it came from me, you'd be at least a little more comfortable. If not, that's okay too, I just—"

He stopped talking as you stared at what he'd gotten you - it was a swimsuit. A one piece of course, he knew a bikini would be too much for you. It was a beautiful shade of violet, with a white lace trim. In the other hand, he had a translucent black beach cover-up, made of what looked like incredibly smooth silk... Knowing he'd put so much thought into it compelled you to run up and hug him. It was just so thoughtful of him to do all this for you, and go out of his way to buy it.

"Hey, quit it with the sappy stuff - just go put it on! I wanna know what it looks like!"

He smiled at your excitement, as you laughed at his: it was moments like this that made you realise how lucky you were, to have someone like Kokichi with you. He was different with you than anyone else, he was so considerate and loving. You went into Kokichi's bathroom to change - there wasn't any point going back to your cottage, just to come back. You slipped off your boiling clothes and put on the swimsuit. At first, it felt kind of nice to wear something so light and airy, but then you turned around: there was a mirror. You stared at your reflection, and felt it judging my looking back at you. Instantly, you grabbed the coverup Kokichi had brought along with it, to try concealing yourself a little. It was a courteous thing for Kokichi to do, buying that with it: he knew you were often uncomfortable in bathing suits.

Just Kokichi Ouma : Kokichi Ouma x Reader Oneshots REQUESTS OPENTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang