Confession • Kokichi x Dyslexic!Reader

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Your POV:

It was Friday - I'm not into that 'cherry tree' crap, but what harm could it do? I pulled out the latter from my bag, but it was a little tattered: it wouldn't do. He *was* the Ultimate Supreme Leader, and my crush, so he only deserved the best of the best. Thankfully, I'd gone to Angie's over the weekend, and picked up a purple envelope and gold trimmed cartridge paper to write up the card properly. She'd also let me borrow a fountain pen, so I'd better not fuck this up; they're quite hard to use in terms of pen control.

I looked towards the written paper, and saw how messy my writing was: I really had to focus for this one. Nobody was around though, so I couldn't even ask for someone to scribe or check my writing! I'm sure he'll understand if there's a little mistake... right?

~🍇 ~Time skip brought to you by Panta ~🍇 ~

Alright... the letter's ready. I think. I hope. I sealed the letter with gold leaf, and there isn't any going back now. I'd already asked him to meet me under the cherry tree: I don't think he even knows about the little myth that those who get together under that tree stay together... forever. It's a little creepy, if you ask me, the 'forever' part, but I suppose it's romantic.

Dearest Kokichi,

We've known each other for a long time and we've been amazing friends this whole time together. Sorry if this is a little cheesy I'm kind of reeling even writing this... but I don't think I can say this to your face. So, I guess writing will have to do, even if there are a lot of mistakes.

Now here's the more cheesy part - warning! It happened a while ago, but you've managed to lie your way into my heart, and it's tearing me apart. You're all I can think about, and I guess I just wanted to tell you that I really, really, really like you Kokichi.

With all my love, (Y/N) x

Ugh, I knew this was ridiculous... It's really lovey-dovey, not like me at all. I mean, I think he'll know that, we've known each other for years. Kokichi's been there for me since day one... not like we had any choice. Both of us, complete outcasts, so we kinda forged a bond. That then turned to friendship, then (at least on my end of the relationship) to love.

I got up from my desk, and gently carried the envelope - time to go. I'd asked him to meet at 4:30 pm, since I knew he had a meeting with D.I.C.E, and usually he's late so I gave him an extra ten minutes just in case. I figured it would look bad if I turned up late, so I stood atop the hill under the cherry blossoms, all of them floating to the ground around me. I quickly fixed my hair, as his purple hair came into view. Weird - he was running. I looked at my watch, which he'd actually bought for me a while back, but it was only 4:23.

"H...hey, (Y/N).. I really thought I'd.. I'd get here early..."

"I told you the wrong time on purpose, so you'd get here in time!"

He looked at me blankly - it was clearly taking him a second to realize that I'd tricked him. He then cracked a smile, and sighed.

"Clever plan, Crackerjack! Buuut, I'm actually early now. What'd you want to talk to me about?"

Right - this was it. I'd planned to do this sooner, but there was never a good time. I'd always made excuses, or just never had the confidence to say anything, or stutter. No, saying it out loud was out of a question, and over text would be too basic. A letter carried a little more weight.

"I.. Kokichi, I have a confession to make."

"A confession? Oooh, who'd you kill? Promise I won't tell anyone!"

"N-not that kind of confession, Kokichi.. just read the stupid letter. It probably dumb, and you know I- I'm not great with words..."

I hurriedly handed him the envelope, and looked on at him in anticipation: I prayed he wouldn't make a fuss over the writing, I knew my handwriting was pretty shitty, so I wasn't sure what I was expecting. He seemed to appreciate the gold leaf though, and gold lining - he traced each line. Then he looked up at me, then back down at the page.

"I'm sure this letter's great, but I can't read your writing. Can you read it out for me?"

I sighed, exasperated. What'd just asked me defeated the purpose of making it a letter than a conversation in the first place. I guess I didn't have a choice though, so I took it from his hands and started reading.

"... With all my love, (Y/N). Sorry, I—I know it's a little.."

Ugh! It was embarrassing- I knew he would hate it! I should've just told him outright, instead of writing this romantic bullshit and possibly ruining any chances I could possibly have a—

"I like it! You're spelling's really getting on well too!"

"... if you couldn't read my writing, how did you know that?"

"Nihishishi! Of course I could read it! I just wanted to hear you say that you liked me instead of just reading it on paper! You're not the only one with clever plans, (Y/N)!"

Third Person:

"You idiot... why did you have to make me read that?!"

It was a pretend offense, as now you'd cleared your heart of any worries about reading the letter. Now you'd dropped the letter to the ground, as the wind carried it away: not like it mattered anymore. You'd said what you wanted to say, and all you could do was hope he'd feel the same. If he didn't... you didn't know what you'd do.

"Because, Crackerjack, when I read it, I wanted to make sure it was true! I can't have you lying to me, can I?"

"Says the prince of lies himself..."

"That's so mean! I would never lie!"

You couldn't help but scoff - it's like a cat telling you it doesn't meow. Then you kind of looked at him again expectantly, still waiting on his reply. It's as if he were dodging talking about his feelings entirely, which wasn't uncommon. It was rare for anyone to show any kind of affection to Kokichi, so it's likely he just didn't know how to handle it.

"With all your love... did you really mean that?"

"O-of course I did - why, is it too much? Did I say something wr—"

You didn't get the chance to finish your sentence, as you felt the touch of his hand holding yours, stunning you into silence. It's like your heart started beating at a hundred miles an hour, as his violet eyes met yours, the beautiful sunset as a backdrop for this peaceful moment. He then stepped a little closer to you, his smile more soft than before.

"I wish I could say I was lying, but I'm not. I really, really, really like you too, (Y/N)! And, if it's not too much for you, can I... kiss you?"

"Y-yes... Yes!"

Kokichi gently planted his lips on yours, as the two of you shared a tender kiss under the blossoming cherry tree - It was ethereal, as if straight from your dreams. As the two of you pulled away, he gave you a quick peck on the cheek as he laughed.

"You're so cute when you're excited."

"Hey! Don't call me that!"

"Whaaaat? Now we're dating, I can say what I want!"

Dating Kokichi Ouma... It'd be a hell of a ride, that much you knew. You were both already considered the villains of the school, so having you both together was bound to cause havoc and disruption.... Perfect.

Just Kokichi Ouma : Kokichi Ouma x Reader Oneshots REQUESTS OPENWhere stories live. Discover now