(☁️) Lucifer x Male Reader

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Character Information:

-Diavolo's Younger Brother
-Often hangouts with Leviathan and Satan


I checked my D.D.D to see if someone texted me because i was bored and i saw that Beelzebub is asking me if i can come to the house of lamentation and since i was bored i agreed.After getting ready to leave someone knocked on my door,I slowly looked at the window and saw Satan.I quickly opened the door and said hi

"Hello M/N it's nice to see you again" Satan smiled

"it's nice to see you again too satan but why did you come here? I was just going to your house" I said

"About that i was gonna ask you a question about the book that you've been reading,i was planning to read it too" He replied

"Ohh yeah it's not an actually book if you know what i mean, it's an e-book"

"I'd like to know more about it" Satan said

"I'll tell you on the way,Beel asked me to come over and I don't want to keep him waiting" I said as satan agreed

At the House Of Lamentation

After arriving at the house i noticed that Satan immediately took out his D.D.D and began to search something.

"What are you searching satan? I asked as i looked at him while slowly opening the door

"Im searching informations about e-books,the one that you mentioned earlier" He replied but when i was about to say something i looked ahead of us and saw lucifer walking towards us

"M/N i was just about to come over to your house" Lucifer said as he did a little wave which Satan didn't even noticed it

"Oh hello lucyy how are you doing?" I asked while smiling

"You know it the same as ever,Would you like to come to my room for tea? I have some spare time in me right now." lucifer replied

"Yeah sure! I'd love some tea,Why in your room tho? Nevermind..Are you okay in your own Satan?" I asked as i looked at him but he was still looking at his phone

"Satan?" Lucifer said in a somewhat scary tone

"Oh..yeah sorry M/N I'll just come to you later if i found any e-books" Satan said as he walked away leaving lucifer and myself alone

"Shall we get going M/N?" he asked as i nodded in response

After that we made our way to his room and we actually had small talks along the way.We both entered his room and my first thought was it's kind of nice not to mention tidy

"Well this is the first time that i saw your room in person" I said as i walked around the place

"It is, is that a bad thing M/N?" Lucifer said as he looked at me

"Of course since you're so busy with everything we can only Call" I replied as i sat on the couch that was infront of Lucifer's bed along with a table

"Alright well..would you like something to drink? Perhaps tea?" Lucifer said as he crossed his arms

"No, I'll have some beer and bring some snacks lucii thanks" I asked as i made myself comfortable by laying down on the couch

"..Of course just wait for me here alright?" He said as he exited the room, Now since Lucifer is gone im bored does he has any video games here or a book would do the trick.I stood up and looked around

After a while of looking i noticed that i made a "little" mess,Lucifer would forgive me right? I mean after all im Diavolo's brother.I just hope he doesn't lecture me, I waited for a while and after that i heard the door opening with a creak sound.It must be lucifer

"What..did you do to my room? Explain it now." Lucifer said as glared at me

"I made a mess trying to find book or a video game because i was bored and im really sorry!" I immediately apologized and lowered my head

"You actually said it, Im quite surprised but clean the mess you made this instant" Lucifer said as he walked towards the table and placed the drinks and food that he brought.I on the other hand immediately started cleaning, Lucifer then made his way to his bed and sat on it.Waiting for me to finish but this is actually pretty awkward if you ask me,Is this how Lucifer punishes his brothers? I feel like they punish them way worse than this.I should be gratefu-

"Why are you just standing there..something in your head?" He asked as he rested himself on the bed

"Not really don't mind me" I replied

"If you say so..come here I'll just clean that myself later" Lucifer said

"Are you sure?"


"Yipee!!" I immediately ran to the bed and jumped into it

"Back to your energetic self..i see?" He let out a little chuckle as he got on top of me and after that lucifer unexpectedly tickled that made me laugh.

"W-wai-! I can't breath properly -" I said while struggling to get out of lucifer's grip

"Okay okay.. I'll stop, let's just watch something" Lucifer said as he got off me

"What about a movie?" I asked and which lucifer agreed with a nod

After that i quicky turned on the TV and sat beside lucifer on the couch while i grabbed popcorn and immediately ate it,I hope the movie that lucifer picked is not boring or else I'll just fall asleep.We watched the movie that was 1 and a half long,After watching it.I have to say that it was pretty interesting and cool

"Liked the movie?" Lucifer said as he poked my cheek

"Yeah i was worried that you're gonna choose a super boring movie again-" I laughed

"Nice joke anyways,We should do this more often i had fun hanging out with you" He smiled

"Of course!! Just make time and I'll come " I replied

Requested By:@MisxplacedDreams

(Sorry if there's any typos or wrong grammars D:)

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