An Unexpected Friendship

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Harry sat high up the Quidditch World Cup stadium as the crowds roaring pressed heavily against his senses, like a thick fog made of sound. Feeling as if the thousands of voices had given life to hundreds of dragons, Harry could barely hear his friends as they commented excitedly about the game. A confusing mix of euphoric cheers and shrill jeers promoted Harry to stare through his omnioculars with his heart set a flutter as he followed the mass of muscled physique that was Viktor Krum. The strength of the hormonal onslaught was making his throat thick, and concern crept over him as he worried everyone in the box would pick up on the smell. He. Was. Fucked.

The game was done. Krum caught the snitch, which left his team ten points down. Harry could not deny the courage this would have taken as he knew Viktor was resigned to his lesser teammate's inability to get the score needed for the Seeker to win the game by catching the golden snitch.

He watched Krum hop off his broom, amazed; the man with the grace of a falcon in the air walked along like a duckling chasing after its mother when on the ground. From Harry's experience, he could tell this man, who looked like he was sent by the Gods, did not relish the attention and probably wanted nothing more than to fly away.

His hands started to sweat profusely, and his heart was in his mouth as the Bulgarian team flew up to their box. With Krum bringing up the rear, Harry was ready to jump out of the box to avoid the man's proximity. Anything to prevent Krum from noticing the hot and sweaty mess he had now become. " Merlin help me" , Harry said to himself in silent prayer.

Harry was subconsciously aware that his two best friends were bickering about something. As this thought was brought forward to his conscious mind, he heard his redheaded friend say, "Do you think I should get his autograph 'Mione". Harry did not register Hermione's reply as his legs seemed to now propel him forward as if they were placed under a locomotive jinx.

'What am I doing, oh for the love of Merlin, stop, for fuck sake, please stop, this will be humiliating' , Harry internally screamed at himself. It was too late now as he was just a few steps from the stairwell and his mouth moved without instruction from Harry.

"Umm, Mr Krum",  'oh for fuck sake, who calls a 17-year-old Seeker superstar Mister, you fucking dingbat',  Harry said to himself. Assuming the muscled Seeker would keep walking, Harry couldn't find his Gryffindor strength to follow him and had resolved to return to his friends.

"Yes, can I help you?" Krum said, making Harry almost fall backwards from shock.  'Oh, dear Merlin! What the fuck do I say now?'  Harry thought whilst wracking his stupid hormone-riddled brain. With the famed Gryffindor's courage moving up from the depths of his guts, Harry again spoke.

"Sorry, I know you probably get approached a lot, but I just wanted to say it was brave to end the game on your terms, and your flying is sensational" with that, Harry felt like his face was on fire, and he could feel eyes boring into the back of his head.

"Well, you seem to understand my, umm how you say, umm, my intentions, and I thank you for your kind words. What is your name, young man?" Viktor said to Harry, who was sure he was redder than Ron's hair. Hyper aware the famous Seeker had asked him something, Harry willed his brain to sodding sort itself out.

"My name is Harry, Sir"  'Oh Merlin, is it Sir now is it Harry, could you be any more of a loser?'  Harry thought, praying the Seeker wouldn't laugh at him.

"Please, Harry, you can call me Viktor. You go to Hogwarts, I am thinking?" Viktor replied, putting Harry a little at ease.

"Umm, yes, that is right, sir, sorry, I mean Viktor", Harry said quickly, looking at the floor with his courage seeping through his feet into the ground around him.

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