The Slytherin, Snitch and Elf

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Light snoring was issuing around Harry in his dark chamber. With the curtains drawn on his four-poster bed, he was engulfed in sweet darkness, which was just what he needed. He was feeling optimistic about the coming year. He was excited to be soon seeing Viktor again and had formed a friendship with Cedric, who, as it turned out, was fascinating.

Whilst sitting up and casting a Lumos, Harry grabbed the last letter he had received from Viktor, planning on re-reading it, unsure of the count he was now on.

  To my young seeker,  

  Thank you for your last letter, Harry. I am glad you have arrived safely at school.  

  Hedwig seemed fine, and I kept her here for a few days. She seemed to be getting on well with Rana. I could see them hunting together for their breakfast. I would say the nip on your ear from Rana is a good sign.  

  Well, I am not surprised that my Gryffindor does not scare easily, but I will accept your challenge one day, my lovely friend! Did you say I did not smell bad? How did I smell?

  I look forward to reuniting so we can discuss what you have been struggling to say. You needn't worry that I will think ill of anything you tell me, okay Harry? 

  Please do not thank me, it is my pleasure to help, and it is long overdue in your life. Ha-ha, I will attempt to keep the intimidation to a minimum as I plan to help you, and this will still require the support of all those in your life.  

  Thank you for your concern regarding the tournament. Sadly I do not have the luxury of my wishes on this matter. However, I wish to enter as it is my final year of schooling, and it would be great to test what I have learned.  

I am glad you will keep me warm, and now you have offered, this is officially a promise Harry, okay? Yes, you worked up a sweat that day but did not smell. 

  How have your classes been so far? Have you managed to do any flying since you returned to school? I do hope so.  

  I have found a quicker way for us to communicate until my return. If you speak to your friend Dobby, he will deliver your reply to me. Just call his name, and he should appear! I don't wish Hedwig to keep making such long flights; she is also very recognisable. I agreed with Dumbledore during some correspondents that we had recently. I will also tell you more about this when I arrive.  

  I hope you are well, my young seeker, and I hope you know how much I miss you.  

  I look forward to your reply.  

  Yours always  



When Harry read Viktor's letter, his heart rate increased dramatically. He accepted that he was smitten but also needed to admit that it was unlikely that Viktor would have any genuine interest in him, as the Bulgarian had the option of anyone he wanted.

Putting the letter aside, he felt his stomach growl and, with a typical sigh, drew the curtains aside, deciding to head down to breakfast.

As Harry approached the bottom of the staircase that led to the Great Hall, he was surprised to see Hermione was talking to a Malfoy, of all people. As she glanced up and noticed Harry, she flushed a light pink colour but continued speaking to the blonde. As Harry neared, they both turned to look at him.

"Hello Harry, shall we go in and get some breakfast?" Hermoine asked with the blush now fading.

"Morning Potter. Hermione, we can talk more later on the History assignment. I will be in the Library around six o'clock this evening," Malfoy said and, upon finishing, bobbed his head and walked away toward the Slytherin table.

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