A Regal Imperial Eagle

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After a night of tossing and turning, Harry just huffed in frustration. He still hadn't written to his Seeker, well, not his Seeker, he thought, but the young Seeker was flummoxed. What should he say? Smelling the muscular Bulgarian's shirt for the thousandth time, Harry gave off another mighty huff. He felt unsure if Viktor would want to hear from him, as he had not received a letter since his visit to the Burrow.  'Did he think I was bad company?'  Harry ruminated.

He only had a few days until he would return to Hogwarts and before Viktor returned to Europe. He knew it wasn't rational, as he would be seeing him in October, but the thought of the delay between letters made him gloomy.

Ron was soundly asleep, which made Harry jealous as he never drifted off that effortlessly. Harry was about to get up and start his next letter when he heard a slight tapping. Petrified this would wake Ron, Harry dashed to the window, pulling it open. A stunning Imperial Eagle greeted him. She was breathtakingly handsome and equally chilling. With golden eyes, she looked down her razor-sharp beak at Harry, lifting her leg. Swallowing hard, Harry released the Eagle's burden and said in a calm voice, "Thank you", at which point she spread her wings and dove down towards the yard.

With the letter in hand, Harry tip-toed to the bedroom door, for once pleased that Ron was still snoring heavily. Now he was clear of the room; he dashed down to the kitchen pulling the letter free.

  To my young Seeker,  

  I hope this letter finds you well. I sent my Eagle, Rana, and I hope she treated you kindly. She can be a little frosty. If she flew off after you took this letter, just call her name, and she will bring your reply, as she wouldn't have gone far.  

  I had such a blissful time with you, flying, talking and sharing food. You are a gifted flyer, and I eagerly wait to start your training.  

  Harry, you are unique, and I hope you will see that one day. I have never felt comfortable around people, but it is so effortless with you. I am not exaggerating when I say that afternoon was the happiest I can recall. Thank you, my handsome young Seeker.  

  Now I need to write on a serious issue. I will always be honest with you and give you a choice in all matters. I am glad you were open to allowing others to support and protect you, and I hope that will chiefly be me from now on. I will not treat you like a child, but I feel I need to seek your forgiveness. You see, I decided without consulting you, and conceivably, this may end our friendship.  

  I wrote to your Headmaster and have given him some options. You see, Harry, it is clear that you have been neglected and, I suspect, even abused. I am sorry if this is hard to read and for my directness, but I know you struggle to accept help.  

  My school has a very different stance on teaching in defence of the Dark Arts. I want to stress from the outset I find the Dark Arts abhorrent, but due to my tutelage I likely have a better understanding of them than a Hogwarts student.  

  I have also studied many forms of magic and possibly know why Dumbledore placed you with your "relatives", but I can't allow this neglect to continue. Even moments in bondage can damage the soul, and enough is enough. 

  I have arranged a meeting with Dumbledore once I arrive at Hogwarts to settle your plans for Yule, the spring equinox and next summer. I know you have adults in your life, but I fear they have too much reverence for the man to challenge his decisions. 

  Again I hope you can forgive me, and I recognise you may need time to formulate a reply. I only ask, at the very least, you send a note with Rana to let me know you received my letter.  

  I hope you are looking forward to the start of the school year and wish you safe travels. I will send Rana once the term starts, as she is a swift Eagle. Not that Hedwig is slow, but as an Owl, she will be slower.  

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