Epilogue: Chapter Forty-Seven

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Kara's face lights up like Dodger Stadium on game night when Hunter and I step outside together. She half squeals, half screeches, and lets her putter drop from her hand as she bounces our way. Dylan jumps to avoid getting hit by the putter's handle when it falls. He shakes his head, even though he's used to Kara's bursts of energy and enthusiasm.

"I'm so happy to see you!" Kara flings her arms around both of us and comes close to knocking me over.

Hunter's arm shoots out to steady me and I briefly ponder if I can bring him with me on our next tour to come to my rescue when Kara's exuberance reaches over-the-top levels.

"It's wonderful to see you again, Kara." I detect laughter in Hunter's voice.

"Who let her have coffee today?" Key wonders aloud.

"I'm high energy," Kara replies. "We've been over this. You could be, too, if you didn't stay awake until four in the morning scrolling TikTok and playing video games."

"You're keeping that ice cream under lock and key, right?" Key asks Carter. "I'm afraid to experience the next level of this if she's fueled by sugar."

"Be nice," I scold. "Everyone gets ice cream. We'll just get you protective body armor if you think you can't handle Kara on your own."

"Exactly!" Kara agrees. "Besides, we all know Key is only afraid of getting annihilated at mini-golf by Deni and me again."

"That's not happening," Key declares.

"It does every time we play."

"She has a point," Sawyer says.

"We should start a game," Carter reminds us. "The clock is ticking before this place opens to the public and becomes Saturday pandemonium."

Kara hears Carter, but she isn't finished taunting Key. "I think Key should be first up so he can show us his putting prowess. Maybe he can do better this time than three over par on the first hole."

Key crosses his arms and remains where he is. "I believe the rule is ladies first. As a gentleman, I'm going to follow that rule."

"When did you become a gentleman?"

"I'll go first," I cut in before Key and Kara can say anything else. "We'll be here until sundown before making a single putt if we leave it up to you two."

"Why am I having flashbacks to that glow-in-the-dark mini-golf game in Brisbane?" Dylan asks.

"Because Kara and Key bickered for the entire ride there and through the first six holes," I answer. "And it took us forever to get started because neither of them wanted to choose a golf ball color before the other one did."

"Lucky for everyone, I'm just assigning you ball colors," Carter announces.

"That's a wise decision," Dylan says.

"Welcome to chaos," I murmur to Hunter. "This could get out of hand."

"I'm here for it all," Hunter tells me. "Don't forget, I'm usually dealing with Adam on a daily basis. I can handle this."

"Fair point. Can you imagine Kara, Key, and Adam together in a room?"

"I think it would have to be their own room with the rest of us somewhere else. And you know Adam would immediately try to set those two up romantically."

"He wouldn't be the first person to think they have feelings for one another." Dylan and I have suspected this since the end of our last tour, but Kara and Key deny it.

"Ahem," Kara interrupts us. "We're both right here. We can hear you talking about us, and no, I don't have feelings for Key."

"Sure you do," Key says. "I annoy you to no end. That's a feeling."

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