His Name

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"Excuse me, miss. You got my name wrong. It's A-L-E-C," he fumed as he came to claim his order.

Kylie's plan was going as what she thought it would be. She smiled inwardly at herself and mentally patted herself on the back. Brilliant, Kylie! Brilliant!

"I'm sorry, sir," she apologized, trying so hard not to crack a slight of a smile on her face at how his face looked annoyed and charming at the same time. "I might have forgotten."

She intentionally wrote "Allec" on his cup so she could have a longer time conversing with him and hopefully getting his full attention.

Alec just sighed and said, "Don't forget next time. I don't like my name getting misspelled." He left and went back to his table, which is always the one at the end of the room, and to his phone.

She bit her lower lip at how weak her charm is to him. Of all guys, why can't she get his attention? Why can't she let those sexy brown eyes look at her the way other men does her?

Getting back at the present, Alec ordered Large Caramel Milk Tea with his usual add-on black pearls, put his money on the counter, spoke his name, and got to "his place" in the shop.

Frustrated, Kylie notified the brewer about his order and slumped on her seat behind the counter. She's been in her scheme for four weeks now.

Allec. Alecc. Alek. Aleck. Alleck. Aleyc. Aleyck. Aleec. Aleeck. Ahlec. Ahleck.

She has ran out of Alecs in her misspelled list. And thankfully, Alec handled all her "mistakes" lightly. He just shakes his head, brushes it off, and gets on with it. Other days, he doesn't even notice his name misspelled on the cup. Kylie sighed to herself. Maybe this is the time she'll give Alec up. Maybe Alec was not the one to fulfill her fairy tale fantasies. Maybe she was not the one meant to be special in Alec's eyes. Maybe they just weren't for each other. Maybe he'll always be just a customer for her and she a service staff for him. Maybe that's just it.

"Excuse me?" someone said as she was doing her personal conversation with herself. Mustering all the good vibes she still can, she stood up and faced the customer with the face she always wore to customers.

Her perfect demeanor almost broke down seeing the customer was Alec. She maintained her poise and asked, "May I help you, sir?"

"I was just- I wanted- Maybe I can-," Kylie was confused on what he wanted to say but she just waited anyway. Alec sighed and, for the first time in weeks, he looked at Kylie and saw her. Kylie kept her cool and tried so hard to pretend that his sexy eyes had no effect on her and wished it worked. When she thought time stood still, Alec asked, "May I ask your name?"

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