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Three moons glistened in the night sky as they both gazed at Pyrrhia. The wind pulled the trees around and adjusted themselves so that Queen Glory's egg was surrounded. Almost as a protective barrier.

Glory looked down at the multicoloured egg. She slapped herself. Hard. "How could I let this happen! The tribes won't accept a hybrid for Queen." Glory argue with herself not realizing the slow shadow sneaking out of the darkness.

Glory froze feeling the eyes of the shadow. She whisked around and bared her fangs ready to venom this stalker.

"Calm your scales!" Deathbringer laughed. Glory closed her snout ready to shout at her mate.

"You scared me!" Glory hissed. Deathbringer fell on the ground laughing hysterically at his shenanigans.

Glory tackled forward pinning Deathbringer to the forest floor. He gave her that grin. That stupid grin Glory just wanted to shove under water until the bubbles stopped.

That grin was the whole reason Glory knew this egg would have a tough life. That grin was the whole reason Glory fell in love with a NightWing of all things!

When Glory and the other dragonets of destiny were trapped in the mountain she always suspected all NightWings were like Starflight. Scroll loving, wisdom telling, scaredy-dragons.

Glory lifted herself off of Deathbringer. The trees swayed in the wind as Glory adjusted her wings. Little bits of white grew up in her scales.

Deathbringer got up while struggling. He scanned Glory horn to tail. He read her scales which she hated. He put his wings around Glory. Glory nuzzled into his warmth. All her worries seemed to slip away in an instant.

Glory gazed back at the egg. Her egg. "What if the tribes won't accept her?" she worriedly asked, abruptly.

Deathbringer looked confused then followed Glory's gaze towards the egg. "She'll be fine, Glory."

Suddenly a flash of silver echoed through Glory's eyes. She jumped. Deathbringer growled noting that whoever or whatever it was was messing with the wrong dragon.

"Glory look!" Deathbringer pointed to the egg. Glory froze. Her heart sank through her chest. Did something happen! What happened to the egg!

Glory pushed her way through Deathbringer's hardened grip.

Glory turned to stone. The egg was turning silver. The once yellow and black egg was turning silver with hints of sunset yellow.

Glory wrapped her tail around the egg and hugged it. Protecting it from the dangers of Pyrrhia. After what seemed to be eternity the silver light stopped shining. The light had been coming from the three moons. Maybe it was just nothing.

Deathbringer stood there shocked as Glory hugged the egg.

Then there was a crack. Glory hissed again watching the forest without realizing that it was her own egg. Deathbringer drew closer.

The egg shook and tumbled out of Glory's grasp. Then there was a tiny head that peeled out like a sun over the horizon.

The dragonet looked like something made from the three moons themselves. She was beautiful. Her RainWing features were her eye stripes and dots along her neck as well as her spikes. They all were as light as the sun and the gradient formed from red to yellow as if a sunset was occurring on the dragonets scales. The rest of her scales were a deep NightWing black like Deathbringers.

Wow. Glory thought.

The dragonet stared towards Glory as if she was reading her mind. Glory started towards the tiny hybrid. The dragonet tripped out of the egg and the rest of her colours were revealed.

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