1: X Marks the Spot

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Hi all! Just a few heads up before we get started.

For the purpose of this Fanfic, the treaty line is a tiny bit further out of the Rez but not by much. If you look at a map of Forks and where the treaty line sign is located, just imagine that pushed out a little bit further.

Also, at the opposite side of the treaty line is the Cullens hunting grounds so that they are directly opposite each other. This isn't canon, but again, it's just for the purpose of this Fanfic. Some of the land that had traditionally belonged to the Hohs and the Makahs are still out of bounds for the Cullens.

Until I state otherwise, Bella is only mentioned in this fic.

At the start of this fic, Jacob is 14 years old, but this story mainly takes place when Jacob is 15 and 16 years old. Please remember that Edward is still 17 years old.



It had been an excruciatingly long and tiresome day at school, and Jacob needed something to brighten his low mood. And so, he had found himself wandering the dense forest surrounding his house. Looking for Sam.

It was strange, at first. Jacob was making his way to his usual spot in the forest, where the half-built den was. Without the company or effort to finish it, it simply remained there, incomplete, as some form of distraction from his dull house. His homework seemed more entertaining here. Or that was the plan, at least...Until he saw a figure stumbling haphazardly through the unkempt shrubbery...Sam.

He seemed to be in a state of disarray, crazed almost. Grunting and groaning as he tore his off shirt. He must've been in a fit of rage, Jacob had initially thought, which meant it'd be best for him to stay away, let him cool off.

Although he was somewhat loathed to admit it, Jacob had grown sensitive to his friend's words, even if he knew they didn't actually mean it. That didn't stop him from worrying about Sam, though. He was like an older brother to Jacob.

He appeared kind of...unwell. Maybe he should go check on him, just to make sure he wasn't going to just drop dead right before his eyes.

Jacob pushed himself from the ground, wiping the mud and twigs off his jeans with a short huff. He steadied himself.

"Sam?!" He called out, finding himself inadvertently following the older teen, who seemed to be wandering lower into the forest. Jacob squinted against the low light of the evening. He couldn't see him anymore. "Sam!" He shouted again, attempting to follow the deep groans his voice bellowed out. Well shit. He looked around in some pathetic endeavour to hopefully suddenly see his silhouette in the distance. But he couldn't.

"Sam, where are you? Are you alright?" He yelled into the still air. Silence; he was just met with silence again. He couldn't hear Sam anymore. He couldn't hear anything.

It was an hour later, and Jacob was just about fed up, huffing and puffing in annoyance at his failed attempt in searching for Sam. He combed his fingers through his thick mane of ebony hair to push it out of his face frustratingly when he slumped down on a mossy tree log.

It was no use; there was no sign of him. He could have fallen somewhere and hit his head, rendering him unconscious! How could Jacob live with himself if he had left Sam out here to die? He may not exactly be friends with the older boy, but Sam was still part of his family in some way or another. Even if Jacob wanted to leave him left for dead, his Dad would probably kill him, and he'd have to end up sharing a grave with Sam. No, he couldn't give up.

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