3: Who Are you?

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"Dad?!" Jacob yelled as he neared the small red house. The wolf still pushed on, although its movements staggered and slumped around. Jacob didn't attempt to run away in case the wolf decided that he was a threat and changed its mind.

"Dad!" Jacob tried again when there was no sign of his father. Tears continuously streamed down his blotchy red cheeks, stray strands of hair clinging to it.

Just up the shallow slope where the house rested at the top, emerged his father out the backdoor in his wheelchair.

"Oh my God..." Billy whispered. His eyes bulged at the view of his son and an obsidian black Quileute wolf stumbling to the ground and shrinking in size.

Jacob turned around when he no longer felt the force of being shoved forward and could hear those familiar groans just hours prior.

Lo and behold, it was Sam. Hands and knees on the ground, crawling towards Jacob like he'd just been brutally beaten. Bristling black fur seeped into his sweaty human, caramel skin till there was no trace of wolf left. Sam gave up his movements and collapsed to the dry, brown grass, consciousness failing him.

"Sam!" Jacob jumped to move towards the older boy but stopped himself suddenly. He wasn't sure who this really was anymore. He could still get hurt.

"Jacob! Get him inside!" Billy roared across the plain.

"But Dad-!"

"Now, Jacob! Do as I say!" Billy finalised with the command and wheeled back into the house.

Jacob haltingly pivoted around to Sam. With shaky unsure hands, he lightly grasped onto Sam's right arm. Seconds later, Jacob's older sisters, Rachel and Rebecca, shot out from the small, red house and flew down the few wooden back porch steps to come rushing over to Jacob and Sam. Once they reached them, Rachel seized Sam's left arm, and Rebecca overtook Sam's right arm from Jacob. The girls lifted Sam—his long hair falling over his face completely—from the ground to support his weight with his arms dangling their shoulders.

"Sam! Stay awake!" Rebecca nudged her elbow into Sam's side before wrapping her arm back around his bare back.

"We can't carry your dead weight. You need to move your legs," Rachel struggled out, and they took a lumbering step forward. Jacob moved with them, and Sam limply dragged his legs along.

"What happened?!" Rebecca shouted to Jacob.

"I-I don't know! I went to the den to do my homework-" Jacob stopped at the realisation that he had left his homework back in the woods. Great. He'll have to get it tomorrow.

He continued, lifting his hand up to Sam briefly, "A-And I saw him. He was acting weird and running off somewhere, so I went to look for him! Then-" Jacob stopped again. He can't mention Edward. Would Sam?

"Then what?!" Rachel shrieked out as the girls carried Sam over their shoulders. Jacob treading backwards to stay facing them.

"T-Then...he uh...I don't know! It wasn't him! It was this giant wolf-thing! He just appeared out of nowhere!" Jacob cried out hurriedly. Flailing his arms around and eyes flashing over the three of them as if he was willing them to understand what he was saying via the action.

The girls shot a look at each other on either side of Sam -still lugging him up the slope- something sparking between them like they were telepathically communicating. Must be a twin thing. Which leads Jacob to his next thought: how did Edward know what he was thinking?

"And after that?" Rebecca urged Jacob to continue.

"He just...He just kept pushing me back home," Jacob concluded with a look of confusion and fear. He rubbed his face on the back of his hoodie sleeve with a sniffle.

Meet Me at the Borderline // Jacob X EdwardWhere stories live. Discover now