chapter four

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Bryce knows

"babe let's finish henry danger," Josh says. "ok I'll go make some popcorn," I say. I go downstairs and see Bryce, Blake, and Quinton in the kitchen. "wassup" I say "nothing much" Blake says. I grab the popcorn bag and put it in the microwave and grab a big bowl. "what are you doing" Quit and ask "making popcorn" I say. I go back upstairs and josh is on his phone. I jump on the bed and unpause henry's danger. Soon it got a little boring and we paused it and turned on twilight. "what do you want to do" He says "um I don't know" I say and get on his lap straddling him. "are you through" He asked "yeah" I say. His hands run up my shirt and I start kissing him. It turns into a slow and hot makeout session. I move my hips a little making him groan. He takes off my shirt leaving me in my bra. He flips us over and starts kissing down my neck when the door busts open. "hey you used the last bag -" Bryce says. Josh gets off of me and stands up. "don't say anything" Josh says "I won't" Bryce says. Bryce starts laughing and shuts the door. "he ruined the mood" I say. He plops down in bed and gets a call.

josh- hey man what's up
- so our guests canceled so can you get Ava and someone else to be our guests
josh- yeah she is right here who do you want to be the other guest
- Bryce is a good one
josh- ok

"Hey, can you get ready and do bffs with Bryce and me," Josh asks "yeah sure," I say. "please make sure Bryce doesn't say anything to the guys about us," I say "I'll do my best," Josh says. I put on some sweatpants and a crop top and went downstairs with Josh and Bryce. It was a little awkward but we pushed through the car ride to the studio.

"thanks for coming on short notice," Dave says "no problem," I say. We all go inside and I see bri there. "hey ava it's so good to finally meet you" Bri says "same" I say "what about me" Bryce says "you give me an ick" Bri says making everyone laugh. "are y'all ready to start" Dave asks "yeah" Everyone says. I sat in the middle of Josh and Bryce and front of dave.

"welcome on so today we have Bryce Hall and Ava Beck with us," Dave says "hey," Bryce and I say. "so the first thing is are all of y'all friends or what," Dave says "we have a little friend group of us, Jaden, and mads," Josh says "yeah," Bryce says "well you don't live in la do you," Dave asks me "no I come during the summer to visit my brother," I say "who is your brother"
Dave asks "omg that noah becks sister do you not keep up with stuff" Bri says making dave feel old. "so who are you friend in la" Dave says "the sway house and Paige Taylor, and Dixie" I say "oh okay are you dating someone" Dave asks "um ——— no" I say "what was the hesitation for" Bryce asks "oh because i just had to think" I say "so you are but can't say it online alright" Dave says making everyone laugh. "no i'm not i guess you could say we are more than friends" I say "oh okay now what's going on between you and josh" Dave said "dave what" Josh says "like are y'all dating is he your friends with benfits person" Dave asks and that makes Bryce snort. "we are just friends" I say "why do you even think that they are dating" Bri says "well i caught them at target together buying stuff and then whenever i called josh she was right beside him and bryce keeps smirking" Dave says "no nothing is going on we were in target together because he offered to drive me, we have tj share a room, and bryce is goofy" I say "oh am i now we'll i can say some pretty goofy things Dave may be interested in" Bryce says. I look at Josh with big eyes and his eyes are wide too. "what go on Bryce" Dave says "oh I don't know didn't she brings you some popcorn today" Bryce says "no" Josh says "when I opened the door weren't y'all in the same bed watching a show or letting it play in the background " Bryce says and I mentally bang my head on a desk. I look at Josh and he is speechless. "would you like me to continue" Bryce says "um I think you should stop"
I say "where did you come up with this crazy story at" Josh says "ok what's going on" Dave says "so ava and josh are dating and bryce caught them fucking and just told everyone when no one besides dave thought they were dating" Bri says "we aren't dating nor did we fuck" I say "but you were about to" Bryce says "BRYCE" Josh yells at him. "alright let's change the topic" Dave says "so you have a online store called avascloset" Dave says "yeah" I say "so why did you start doing that" Dave asks "well i needed money since i would be coming to LA a lot and i always wanted to own my own shop" I say "i have ordered a couple of things from their your stuff is super cute" Bri says "thanks" I say "and you created music" Dave says "yeah" I say "so what's your inspiration for your music" Bri asks "well life back home isn't great and i love it here with Noah and my friends so usually when i write songs it's because i feel trapped and there is no where to go like if you have claustrophobia and you are stuck in a small black space for awhile it hurts it's like that mentally for me when i'm at home"
I say "oh so it's not about a boy," Dave says "some of them are," I say "I'm sorry you go through that"
Bro says "thanks," I say


We finished the episode a little early since there was so much tension between Josh and Bryce. Josh went and talked to dave, bri, and the videographer about something so it was just Bryce and me. It was dead silent he knew we were mad he said he wasn't gonna say anything about it and he did. Soon Josh came back and we got in the car. Josh and I sat in the front and Bryce sat in the back. We didn't talk the entire ride home. When we got there Bryce got out and Josh and I stayed in the car. "they said they won't post that episode until we announce we are dating online" Josh says "are we even dating you haven't asked me out i know we flirt and fuck all the time but that doesn't mean we are dating" I say "i'm just waiting till the perfect time" Josh says "ok" I say. I get out of the car still pissed off at the situation and then I realized how would Noah respond. I run back to the car and open the door. "what about noah will he be mad" I say "before you came he told us not to fuck with you so probably" Josh says "should i got all to him" I say "yeah" Josh says "i'll do it later i don't wanna get even more upset than i already am" I say and walk back in the hosue leaving josh in the car alone.

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