chapter two

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After yesterday I still couldn't get those blue eyes out of my head. I had played against Leah before and she was amazing, the way she defended was terrifying, and I had really meant what I said about not being on the receiving end of those tackles.

I woke up early to be able to get myself ready and not end up being late, like last time. Secretly I really wanted to look good for Leah, even after only officially knowing her for a day I was already crushing hard. I wasn't sure if she was single or not, I had obviously heard about Leah and Jordan Nobbs but I wasn't sure if they were still together.

I ran through to my kitchen to grab my flask and make a hot chocolate. I was beginning to get quite nervous for training, I could feel the butterflies in my stomach and it was beginning to make me feel sick.

"It's okay y/n you'll do great, the girls are going to love you. Even if they don't you've still got Kim...and possibly Leah and Beth. Yeah you'll do brilliantly y/n. Breathe." I said trying to psych myself up. It didn't work.

While I waited on my hot chocolate I put on some music and started to dance around the room and sing. This always helped.

15 minutes later I was all ready to go so I grabbed my stuff and ran out the door, not looking back. I really hoped I didn't forget anything.


"Right girls, as you probably saw yesterday we have a new teammate. Would you like to introduce yourself?" Jonas turned to me and smiled. I really hated talking in front of a bunch of new people, I was always terrified that I was gonna say something stupid and embarrass myself.

"Uh sure yeah. My name is y/n, I'm 23, I'm from Scotland - as you could probably tell" A couple of the girls laughed at that, "And it has always been my dream to play at Arsenal." I smiled and done some jazz hands to try and make the interaction less awkward, it seemed to have the opposite effect.

"I like her!" One of the girls shouted from the group.

"Great, okay we're just going to go into a game. Split yourself into two teams." He turned to me before I walked off to get a team, "Y/n this is your time to show how good you are." I nodded at him and ran off with the team I had been put in.

I was wrong when I said that I wouldn't be on the receiving end of Leah's tackles, of course she was on the other team.

"Great." I whispered to myself. At least I had Vivianne up front with me, she was great.


I had the ball after Vivianne had passed to me and I ran up to the goal, looking for space for me to shoot.

I had found space and I took it. I kicked the ball but before I could see if it had gone in I felt my feet get swiped from under me and landed flat on my back in a heap with Leah.

"Shit ouch." I said when I felt a throbbing in my left ankle. Leah stood up and I looked up at her, wondering why she had tackled me so hard.

She leaned down and looked at my ankle, "Crap I'm so sorry y/n, I didn't mean to go that hard. Are you okay?" She asked, concerned for me.

"Yeah yeah, it's alright I'll just walk it off." I said, really hoping that it would stop hurting. Leah stood up once again and held out her hand to help me up. I grabbed her hand and pulled myself up, hopping slightly on my right foot. I really didn't want to let go of her hand, and apparently neither did she as she stared down at our hands intertwined.

Suddenly she coughed and dropped my hand, rubbing her neck slightly, "Again y/n I'm really sorry. If there's anything I can do please let me know."

"It's all good Leah, see" I point to my ankle, "It's better already." I chuckled trying to prove my point.

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